Genetics: Why we love beer and coffee


Bitter or rather sweet? What type of drinks we prefer, has to do with our genes. Means: The love of coffee and beer is placed in the cradle. Or also not.

The researcher Marilyn Cornelis of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is particularly interested in coffee. She explores the genetic basis of the different tastes, and coffee seems to be particularly suited to this.

While for some, a day without a bitter roasted flavor on the tongue is a lost day, the Others get the coffee at the most in a milk and sugar watered-down variant.

Less taste, more Psyche!

The love of or aversion to bitter drinks has surprising to do little with the taste of the drinks. The result is their new study has surprised even Cornelis and her colleagues: “The genes are our preferences as a basis, have something to do with the psychoactive substances, these beverages,” says the Doctor. “People like the way of coffee and beer, let you feel.” The sounds again now, but so surprising.

The study makes it clear, the fundamental importance of the reward system in the selection of our favourite drinks, games, Cornelis. The variant of the so-called FTO gene seems to play a special role.

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Sugary Drinks

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Sugary Drinks

Gained fame of this Gen a few years ago, researchers found that a specific gene variant, obesity favors. Cornelis and her colleagues discovered that people who prefer Cola and other sweet drinks, carriers of another variant of the FTO gene.

The FTO Gene remains a mystery

Paradoxically, it is the variant that recently for a (warning!) less obesity was made of risk responsible. Moment! Would not tend to be people who take a lot of sugary drinks, are also more likely to morbid Obesity?

“We don’t know how exactly the Gene with the propensity to obesity hangs together”, says Cornelis. They called the Gene “mysterious”. It is likely that the FTO-Gene influence on the behavior and thus also on the weight control of people.

However, it is known that too much sugar is bad for the health. And the alcohol consumption is made for more than 200 diseases, and for more than six percent of all deaths worldwide.

When the personal beverage preferences have less to do with taste, rather than with psychological satisfaction, then the study, the researcher Marilyn Cornelis, provides a possible explanation for why eating habits have to change so damn hard.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer


    When the grain germinates, barley malt. The barley is moistened first. It grows for four to seven days. Enzymes to be free – the ensure that, later on, during mashing, the malt sugar Maltose. After germination the malt is dried. For wheat beer in addition to wheat malt.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer


    Hops, is a hemp plant, and was a medicinal plant of the year 2007. It was originally due to their bactericidal effect of the beer. So the beer kept longer. The hops determines the bitterness of the beer. The flavor of Beer the brewmaster about the type of hops and the time to admits the he the hop.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer


    Not to underestimate: The quality of the water is important in Brewing. Here is the brewmaster keeps a sliced reverse osmosis device in the hands. You put water with high hardness in the device, on the other hand, on the one hand, soft, on the other hand, even harder water. Only the soft water is suitable for Brewing.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    Temperature and time

    Approximately five hours it takes up in the brewhouse of malt, hops and water to the wort. As the sugar is containing Sud, which is required for the beer fermentation. Today, the brewery controls everything on Computer.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer


    The biological capital of each brewery’s yeast. Which is always good to deal with, so that the trunks are clean and healthy. The brewery recovers the yeast from the fermentation tanks and store it. The yeast is regularly studied in the laboratory biochemically.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    Three Weeks

    These fermentation tanks can go even further five metres to the top. Here, the yeast does its work: it converts the sugar Maltose into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The fermentation process takes four days, then the beer is cooled for two days and Matures for two weeks.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    Almost done

    So the finished beer after fermentation. It also tastes really after the beer. Some German Breweries to sell Beers such natural dull. In the case of Kölsch, the not however. True Kölsch must be clear – according to the Definition of the geographical origin.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    On to the filtering

    First of all, the first coarse filtration: diatomaceous earth filter contains algae and tiny shells of fossil pebbles. It is a lot of suspended particles. In the case of the Fine filter is another Filter brings out the last of the yeast cells from the beer.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer


    So true Kölsch must look clear: glass.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    Carbonic acid

    Before bottling, the beer is still a little carbonic acid, which is discharged from the fermentation tanks and liquefied. Bottled Beers don’t get more carbonic acid (5.2 grams per Liter) beer (4.6 grams) – so that it foams at the pin from the barrel.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    Alcohol-Free Beer

    Here, the beer is heated in a vacuum of about one-sixth of the ambient pressure to 42 degrees Celsius. This temperature will not harm the beer, but by the vacuum of the alcohol evaporates. It is a similar effect as in the case of climbers, the cook in the Himalayas of water. Even there, the water boils well below 100 degrees Celsius.

  • Of barley, hops and water the beer

    What Year should it be?

    Even if it doesn’t look like the bottle in the cellar of the brewery is used to make the Beers more Mature. He belongs rather to the quality control Of each Batch of samples to be placed back, so you can check in the laboratory at any time, whether everything was in order. By the way: beer should be stored cold and dark, and within half a year to finish that up.

    Author: Fabian Schmidt