Comment: The hypocritical climate activism


The Greta-Hype, a special climate Cabinet and a lot of green ideas, what you should prohibit everything. The German climate hysteria is now any objectivity, says Henrik Böhme.

“Fridays For Future”-Protest in Berlin last week – the big bubble as a symbol

Germany was never really a climate-“the pioneer”, as is always claimed. And so Angela Merkel was never really a “climate-Chancellor”. Just happened to be the year 1990 is used as the calculation basis for CO2-reduction targets – and given that Germany was just lucky that in the East of the country, all the dirty factories ran. The then had to close after the German unity quite quickly, what has pimped the CO2 balance, of course, powerful. In the past ten years, however, the emissions of greenhouse gases has decreased.

It had not been for the meltdown at Fukushima, would generate the German nuclear power plants remain undisturbed stream. But the shock waves from Japan resulted in the self-proclaimed climate-Chancellor of a double turn. In the year 2000, social Democrats and Greens negotiated a nuclear exit, she had tipped soon after assuming office in 2005, a year before Fukushima, Merkel spoke of the “nuclear power as a bridge technology”, to proclaim, and then, in the summer of 2011, a renewed nuclear energy Moratorium.

A billion-dollar Disaster called “energy transition”

Since then, Germany is still struggling with the consequences of the German government proclaimed a “turnaround in energy policy”. The has led to the fact that the share of electricity produced from renewable sources has increased significantly. But at what price? Billions and billions in costs. To be more precise: 160 billion Euro in the past five years! Result: The highest energy prices in Europe (which especially harms the economy in the country, because it leads to an Exodus of energy-intensive industries). Alone: This fucking carbon dioxide will be less. Therefore, a shift in Traffic to her now.

Henrik Böhme, DW-business editorial

Because you can ask: Would you put the 160 billion (or at least a large part of it) directly in the Development of the transport infrastructure – wouldn’t that be a much more effective, because more direct way to improve the CO2 balance sheet? When the green clientele of this Republic is currently almost a fanatic on the transport sector, with the gun and has shot that is supposedly to blame for all the climate bad? (The transport sector accounts for only 18 percent of the CO-burden – but that’s by the by.) What to give as there is currently a green party officials, is a fear and worry are: prohibition of short-haul flights, the prohibition of internal combustion engines by 2030 – on the ecological socialism!

How about instead, with a market economic approach? Say: a fair market price for CO2?

And, now, a climate Cabinet! Since the Minister does not have to be in detention, because they are in a position to operate a cross-departmental manner, to achieve climate protection goals. Really funny the thing is, if, as planned, the ministries of penalties to pay when you select climate protection targets. Climate Cabinet? Probably more of a Scary Cabinet! Just need you to invite the new young climate-Stars such as Greta Thunberg or its German counterpart Luisa Neubauer. That would be the height of hypocrisy.

Contrary to the climate-alarmist!

Not that we misunderstand us: I think it’s great that young people go on the road, and your Worries articulate. The young people finally get day in and day out in school, in the news, the instilled fear of the imminent Apocalypse. “We travel the planet on the wall!”, is one of the core sets of climate-populists who stand out from the gigantic network of the world-climate scientists, nor by their constant media presence. (Such an argument, tolerates no contradiction.)

If the climate scientists now believe that the “Fridays for Future”movement allies obtained: Wrong! The young people are just victims of the big, self-reinforcing climate-bladder. Behind this air-bladder is something much more fundamental is, in reality, It is a blatant criticism of the prevailing capitalist economic system (as to be to blame, that the “Planet is driving to the wall”).

No, I can climate-alarmist really gain nothing. It is not about denying climate change. It’s about to form an own opinion, to look at what you can do for yourself. I think it is with the great, unfortunately too early deceased scientist Hans Rosling. The Swede has presented with “Factfulness” the most optimistic book of the last decade. It says: “When I get said, something had to happen immediately, I start to hesitate. Usually the attempt behind me from the Thinking to stop.”

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