Snapshot from the Black hole


World-of six press conferences at the same time, researchers want to announce a Sensation. It’s supposed to be a photo of a Black hole. You don’t see that actually. The most important questions and answers.

The researchers of the international research project the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) should be managed is actually a snapshot of a Black hole, then the groundbreaking. Definitely. And Nobel prize-winner.

Because Black holes are hot: black, dark, invisible. You have such a large mass, they swallow everything or take over, what approaches them. You don’t let out once their own light. The force of attraction of Black holes is inconceivable.

Why do researchers that Black holes exist?

Black holes have no surface, such as a planet or star. There are more areas in space. Huge mouths, the ambush anything that comes close to them. You draw stars, nebula and light to your train, press, squeeze, pull up any matter, so that they revolve like swirl around the black abyss. These distractions can measure researchers. You know, that something Huge must be, something of colossal strength.

How are Black holes?

In a very different way. For example, if a mass dies rich star, it explodes. Researchers call the Supernova. The star pushes off its outer layers, the Rest collapses, this leaves a relatively small black hole, the through his Mega-mass no light to escape.

Black holes can also occur when two stars collide and then unite. The mass is particularly large, you can collapse this new star and become a Black hole.

And then there are the supermassive Black holes. You can have the million – or billion times the mass of our sun. You are in the center of most galaxies, for example in our milky way. How they are made, not knowledge, researchers still. You suspect that there may be several Black holes are merged with each other.

Why are Black holes important?

Without the power of the Black holes in our universe would probably look very different. It could even be that the galaxies could only be caused by Black holes.

What are the black holes, you need to know?

In any case, the candidates, the international team of researchers in Hawaii, Arizona, Spain, Mexico, Chile and the South pole to watch for in 2017, intensive, and measured. This is a Sagittarus A, a supermassive black hole at the center of our milky way. Sagittarus A is 26.000 light years from earth and four million times more massive than our sun.

The second candidate is the supermassive Black hole in the giant galaxy M87 in the constellation Virgo. It is even further away from us, 55 million light-years (if you can imagine that) and it has to capitulate 6.6 billion solar masses (well, at least now?).