Bolsonaro: Messiah with self-doubt


Since the 100 days of Jair, Messias Bolsonaro Brazilian President. However, his assessment is sobering. More and more people, he seems to be the wrong man for the office – and he himself at odds with it.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro was in a great mood and everything else as well. He wanted to waste time, to comment on the polls, called on the President of Brazil on Sunday to the journalists to wait. Shortly before that, of his survey were published for the first 100 days in office. Of all the elected presidents of the last 30 years Bolsonaro cut off the worst, with Around a third of all respondents, the result of, his office dissatisfied.

“Overall, the balance is certainly positive,” Oliver Read, a political scientist at the Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo. After his election victory in October Bolsonaro not have used his trust-Bonus, to get important projects off the ground quickly. Instead, the government had lost “a lot of time with issues that are beside the point”, so Read over the DW.

The list of these trivialities is a long one. So Bolsonaro ordered to celebrate the anniversary of the military coup of 1964, which itself was the military in his Cabinet. The Minister of education, Ricardo Vélez, was the second Minister, was already released from Bolsonaros Cabinet. He wanted to let pupils Sing the national anthem films, the coup from the school books and had brought the education policy to a Standstill.

Bolsonaro even topped that, however, with a Tweet about the alleged moral decay of the carnival. Plus the attached Video, in which a man is stretching on a stage in Sao Paulo to the audience his buttocks, while another urinates on his head.

After the Tweeting of obscene carnival videos Jair Bolsonaro had to explain to the public

Still in election campaign mode

His election success is owed Bolsonaro yet such provocations, which were given the polarization of society on fertile ground. The most common victims of the Left, he made the audience to be effective for the rampant corruption and economic misery. The main target of the leftist workers ‘ party, the PT was ruled Brazil from 2003 to 2016.

But even after his election victory provoked Bolsonaro merrily. “I have the impression that he has not yet come out of the campaign mode,” says Read. Yes, it seems even as if the President role is not really like. “This is probably due to the fact that he was always an Anti-Establishment Person. But now he belongs to the Establishment. And that’s a Dilemma for him.”

Blockade of pension reform

You should be Bolsonaro, that he never holds a government post, says Stünkels colleague Sérgio Praça. “Governments need a certain amount of start-up time.” So even Ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula have da Silva brought his most important anti-poverty program “Bolsa Família” only 15 months after he took office on the way.

In spite of ridiculous Tweets and absurd polemics – in the internal politics so far, nothing Bad will happen, the verdict of the Praça. Even firearms are not released for all citizens, and no areas of Indigenous peoples were passed on to raw material company, even if Bolsonaro had promised during the election campaign.

All political observers don’t see that though. In particular, the Blockade in the case of pension reform, and education policy, drastic cuts in the budget for science and research, as well as excessive police violence against the civilian population have contributed to the slump in the poll numbers Bolsonaros.

Disaster in foreign policy

In foreign policy, the verdict is clear. “There’s a Disaster follows the next, and the foreign Ministers is totally misleading. At least, it seems to lead to no Good,” says Sérgio Praça.

Is meant by foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, dismisses climate change as a Marxist lie that Hitler’s national socialists on the Left, classifies and most of all a Christian Alliance from the USA, Russia and Brazil against communism. He belongs to the camp of the Anti-globalists in the Cabinet. So far, they determine Bolsonaros international Agenda, such as during the recent visit of Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu to the departure.

Also, Brazil’s foreign Minister Araujo polarized in Brazil with controversial ideas

Trumpiger as a Trump

Bolsonaro attempts literally to copy Trump, says Demétrio Magnoli, an expert on international relations, compared to the DW. “He’s trying to be trumpiger as the Trump itself.” A concrete Benefit Brazil but I didn’t. Bolsonaro suffer from a similar inferiority complex towards the United States as Brazil’s Left-wing, suspected Magnoli. While the Left made the “Yankees” for everything Bad responsible, for Bolsonaro to the same extent everything is great, what came from the United States.

Neither the powerful military nor the economic liberals to the chief-Economist Paulo Guedes, the radical orientation of the foreign policy. There is the risk that one block in the Cabinet to each other. “After all, who has from the Chinese fear will liberalize the economy. And the generals do not want the Embassy relocation to Jerusalem, as the religious circles want. This is like an internal civil war between these three factions,” says Read.

On Friday Bolsonaro made his growing discontent with the complexity of its task air. “Now I wonder: My God, what have I done to deserve this? Nothing but problems!” But he went even further. “I was not born to be President. I was born to be military.” An honest Moment, Read. “He probably had no clear idea of what it means to govern the fifth largest democracy in the world.”