Deutsche Bahn ordered no ICE with 4 more due to sloppy manufacturing


Bad news for Deutsche Bahn: The group takes off for the time being, no other trains of the most modern ICE 4 fleet. The at risk the biggest contract in the history of the group and of the punctuality targets.

To the fullest you have found a fault at the welding seams, the company said. Completely out of the traffic, the train will not pull the trains.” All ICE-4-vehicles were and are safe at all times,” stressed the company. It called on the manufacturer, Bombardier, and Siemens, the cars under warranty to repair.

Currently, 25 ICE 4-trains are in operation. How many of the defective welds are affected, not shared with the railway. The “mirror” reported from the affected 15 cars are already in use. Because of the repair they will turn out “for months”. Siemens said: “There is no impact on these existing trains are currently in.”

Urgently required job

For the path of the default of other ICE weighs 4 trains per day travelling difficult. It is the largest order in the company’s history. The new trains should provide more comfort and reliability. Since December of 2017 and the first trains of the latest Generation are on the tracks. It is agreed that by the year 2023, a total of 119 trains will be delivered. The total order includes six billion euros. The manufacturing fault in the ICE 4 could in the long term, lead to the trains require more frequent maintenance.

The flagship ICE 4 should actually reduce delays and failures. Due to the Tardiness of the group is always hard to face criticism. According to track data, every fifth ICE or IC came in February, too late.

lh/gri (afp, dpa)