Sexkauf ban: “There is no good Prostitution”


Germany is known as the “brothel of Europe” – also because of its liberal prostitution law. At a Congress in Mainz organizations are calling for a ban on Sexkauf. You say: Not a woman prostitutes herself voluntarily.

For six years Sandra Norak (Name changed) has worked as a prostitute. Even as minors, in the 13. Class, she met over the Internet a much older man who promised to love her. That was in 2008, Norak had problems at home, dropped out of school and moved in with the man. The urged her into Prostitution. Norak was a victim of the “lover boy method” – this widely used stitch is called.

The man brought Norak in flat-rate brothels. Here the young woman had to operate in four weeks, 400-500 Sexkäufer, as the 29-Year-old reported. “You stop at some point, as sentient humans; it is comparable with the destruction of one’s own identity,” she says on the Podium in the CAP world Congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls, from 2. to 5. April takes place in Mainz, Germany.

Sandra Norak managed 2014 out of Prostitution. Today she fights for a sexkauf ban

Around 350 women and men from international organisations came to the Congress. They all have one goal: a sexkauf ban in Germany, in the long term, the complete abolition of Prostitution.

“Men buy Power”

Also Norak since their exit from Prostitution at the club “Sisters”. “Prostitution should be recognized as what it is: violence and a violation of human dignity,” she says in a DW interview. Claim, the participants of the Congress. Your line of argument is that Prostitution is a necessity, and ends in coercion and sexual exploitation of women. “Men buy not a sexuality, they buy Power,” says EMMA founder Alice Schwarzer, who also came to the Congress. “We live in a country where Prostitution salon is capable of,” she says.

Alice Schwarzer, considered the Congress an introductory lecture

During the Congress, the participants talk about the psychological and physical effects of Prostitution. Dropouts as Norak report on their experiences. At the end of the conference a joint Declaration will be adopted. The main claim: Germany is to introduce the Nordic model, like many other countries have already done this. France introduced it in 2016 Ireland 2017. Since already 20 years in Sweden. It contains a sexkauf ban. This differs from the prohibition of Prostitution: The purchase of sexual services is criminalized, the Free is liable to prosecution, not the prostitute. The extent to which the Swedish law has stemmed the tide of Prostitution, is difficult to answer. Some experts say that Prostitution have shifted from the street in the apartments or on the Internet. But there are also studies that show that the Sex-market as a whole shrunk.

Germany: “The Brothel Of Europe”

In Germany, Prostitution was up in 2002, is immoral. The then adopted prostitution law should strengthen the rights of prostitutes and legalized sexual services. Since 2017, the prostitution, the protection of the law to protect women from violence and coercion. Brothels need to have an operating permit prostitutes to be registered and get a certificate, in the scene in “whore pass”. In fact, only around 7000 of the women enrolled in the first year after entry into force, but, depending on the statistics, between 200,000 to a million prostitutes in Germany. As before, Germany is one of the most liberal prostitution laws, as the “brothel of Europe”. Between 80 and 90 per cent of the prostitutes come from abroad, many working under forced or inhumane conditions, came through human traffickers to Germany.

The Federal government holds a sexkauf ban but for the wrong way. There is a danger that “the sex workers are pushed into illegality and the dangers and risks of the industry vulnerable to insist,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of family Affairs a few days ago.

Aid organisations: There is no voluntary Prostitution

The argument of the Congress participants to be cynical, just like the widespread line of reasoning that many women would voluntarily work as a prostitute. “I’ll take care of me for 34 years for women, which can be exploited,” says Sr. Lea Ackermann, founder of the Association “Solidarity With Women in Distress” (SOLWODI) in an interview with DW. “Today I say: Not a single woman doing it on her own.”

Sr. Lea Ackermann helps prostitutes for decades at their exit from Prostitution

Poverty is a strong motive for Prostitution, says Gerhard Trabert, founder of the Association of poverty and health in Germany. “We know that more and more women in prostitution to no longer be able to just survive because the social transfers are in fact sufficient to be able to in this society.” Also Trabert calls for the abolition of Prostitution and a social rethinking. “We don’t just need young men a different image of the wife: That she is an object of desire, but that is a subject, and that it has nothing to do with love has to use a woman and her violence.”

Gerhard Trabert is also an emergency physician and helps in his doctor’s mobile needy people

All the participants of the Congress are in agreement, again and again there is loud applause in calling for a sexkauf ban, the possibility of a Constitution, find suits great applause. From their point of view, the prostitute lobby prevented a sharper legislation in Germany. “This legislation gives that men have a right to Sex, and that you can always use a woman and then throw away, such as a cigarette box,” says Norak.

Representatives of prostitutes ‘ associations were at the Congress not present. They had been approached or invited, says Simone Wiegratz, Manager of the advice centre Hydra. However, even in the case of an invitation you would not have gone well, says Wiegartz, which is also a Board member of the Alliance of counselling centres for sex workers (BUFAS) is – the different positions are easy to clear.

Resistance of prostitution associations

Hydra and BUFAS, sex work with other forms of Acquisition of more and more. A sexkauf ban, or a ban of Prostitution reject it strictly. Women could no longer stand properly, so Wiegratz, because they were in the illegality and social would be outlawed. “If you can put in a dirty corner and not speak, and is allowed to, then it is unprotected.” So if the women were in even more difficult conditions, says Wiegratz.

The Pascha in Cologne is one of Europe’s largest brothels

Also the statement that Prostitution is always forced, does not agree with you. Some women the decision, however, does not properly think through, would Wiegratz says. Therefore, the question of the women in the initial consultation, to your motives. But the fact that Prostitution all of the women bad, can’t see them. “Some people can cope well with a boundary, which makes them well through life.”

Such forward-looking statements does not agree with Sandra Norak according to their own experiences. “What I’ve seen in six years, is simply that there is no good Prostitution,” says Norak. “It’s always something with women. She was never a woman I’ve seen, only somehow portable.” Today, Norak studied law, was able to make the time as a prostitute behind. There you go, today, well, she said in an interview. “But forget not to do the nevertheless, what happened there.”