Auxiliary organizations of the German Africa policy is a bad testimony


The Federal government has declared Africa to be the focus of Germany is on the continent far more present than in the past. Aid agencies say in their report “compass in 2019,” but: Many of the priorities are wrong.

Development Minister Gerd Müller during a visit in Uganda

For Africa-Fans in Berlin are actually just good times: Last week, the Federal government adopted a revised strategy for Africa that emphasizes the importance of the continent. Later in the year, the new billion Fund to go to the Start, the investments of German and African companies to promote in Africa. The Cabinet has also extended the Bundeswehr mission in Mali, despite a deterioration in the security situation.

The two charities Welthungerhilfe and Terre des Hommes still criticism. In their new report “compass 2019: The reality of German development policy” to warn you: In German development policy there is a lack of money and the right focus. Instead, the Migration in the foreground stand often: “We see with concern that in the heart of Africa, the political programs of the Federal government and the EU, increasingly, countries are considered as countries of origin and transit. Not the countries, where the Need is greatest, although often intersections will result,” says the General Secretary of the world hunger help, Mathias Mogge.

Poor countries are not

So Chancellor Merkel visited last year, about Nigeria, Senegal, and Niger, which all fit in these categories. As the Federal government presented during its G20 presidency, the “Compact with Africa”Initiative, the selection of the African partner countries part of a similar criticism.

Mathias Mogge of Welthungerhilfe calls for greater attention to poor countries

Much of the demand that the German development policy should focus on combating Hunger and poverty. In Africa, the Federal government relies on a different approach: you want to private demand investments of German companies on the continent, so that Jobs and prosperity are created.

In many poor countries, says Matthias Mogge of Welthungerhilfe. 33 of the 47 poorest countries in the world, according to the “compass 2019” in Africa: “The majority of these countries, private investment is often not especially attractive, because they are marked by conflicts, Wars, and, often, poor governance,” says Mogge. States such as Sierra Leone or Liberia, 2014 venue of the world’s worst Ebola epidemic, have disappeared from the perception of German politics. On the list of the ten largest recipients of German development aid not only Africa, according to the report. India, Syria and China, to lead you.

Also, the coordination of Germany’s Africa policy needs to be from the point of view of the auxiliary works better. Since the German G20 presidency in 2017, own Africa concepts exist in various ministries. Critics complain that they speak in the Central points sometimes: During the “Marshall plan for Africa” of the Ministry of Development, the importance of democracy and human rights underlines, the Ministry of Finance at the”Compact with Africa” and authoritarian countries such as Rwanda and Togo. According to the Federal government, the new guidelines are intended to provide the necessary coordination. How this will work in practice, but it is still unclear: All the previous concepts are to exist next to it.

The Federal government promises more efforts in the fight against Hunger

“Coherence between the different ministries of the government, is an important step,” says the spokesman of the Board of the “Terre des Hommes”, Albert Recknagel. “One of consistency from my point of view, but also political Considerations and the demands of the African side to be more inclusive of”. Here, the Agenda 2063 of the African Union, have in mind the charitable organizations. The Plan for the economic and social development of the continent, the heads of state and government have drawn up the heads of African countries together. In the new policy guidelines for Africa, the German government emphasises, to take account of the fact. Welthungerhilfe and Terre des Hommes call for practical steps, such as joint programmes between Germany and the AU.

Minister promises more use

In addition, the global focus of German involvement would have to be reconsidered. Worldwide, every fifth child is affected, directly or indirectly, Wars and conflicts. “All wars are wars against children”, “Terre des Hommes”-head Recknagel. Many of the children were indirectly affected, about 25 million could not in the world because of a conflict with school. In some regions, the forced marriage of children has increased in the case of conflicts. 250,000 children in armed units active as child soldiers, porters or helpers. “A number of 250,000 you can certainly support with one Million euros per year,” says Recknagel.

“Today’s report warns, is quite right: The Poorest are most dependent on our support. We need to expand our poverty and fight against hunger, especially in the least developed countries,” said development Minister, Gerd Müller, the report of the auxiliary organizations in a written opinion. This would, however, only with sufficient financial resources. “The current plans for the development budget in 2020 as well as the financial planning for subsequent years are not sufficient.”