The Alzheimer’s Peanut Butter Myth


For years, the rumor that Alzheimer’s leave with peanut butter to diagnose courses. So easy it is not, however, an expert explains what really works.

Who smells nothing, has to get don’t panic: It can also be due to a cold

With a peanut butter Alzheimer’s diagnose – with this study, some researchers were creating a stir. The scientific paper, published in the journal Neurological Sciences, dates back to the year 2013. It is quoted regularly by various media, including the Washington Post, the idea was only last year re-feed. However, should of all places be the diagnosis of the disease, whose cure is still not found, so easily?

Like the peanut butter Test is supposed to work

The peanut butter Test, the Patient must smell alternately with the left and the right nostril to a small pot of peanut butter. The other nostril will hold. Sniffed but not close-but starting with a distance of 30 centimeters.

The distance is reduced in A-centimeter increments until the Patient could smell the peanut butter. The study from the year 2013 to the olfactory functions in Alzheimer’s patients, the left nostril was significantly worse than with the right. The researchers attribute this to the fact that in the case of Alzheimer’s, the left half of the frontal lobe of the brain increasingly affected. In this Area, there is also the sense of smell is, among other things.

More Alzheimer’s: blood test history shows from the early stage

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It is not that easy, but, says Richard Dodel, a Professor of geriatrics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. “The study was conducted with too few test subjects and the test procedure is not standardized enough”, writes he. Thus, even the indication of a lack in the study that relates to just 92 subjects, of what peanut was butter have been used.

“The composition of the Oils can make a big difference in perception,” says Dodel. Also, there are numerous possible causes for a limited sense of Smell. And in 2014 a second group of researchers tried in vain to confirm the results.

Diagnostic possibilities for Alzheimer’s

Many years before the first symptoms appear, can Alzheimer’s disease are already diagnosed. Two image dominate imaging and an invasive procedure. With the so-called Amyloid-PET (positron Emission tomography) can be detected Dodel, according to certain Protein fragments, called Plaques, in the brain 15 to 20 years before the first clinical symptoms.

With Alzheimer’s difficulties, a certain time to paint often

In the second method, the fluoro deoxy glucose (FDG)-PET, examined the brain cells in such a way, how quickly you can break down a particular sugar molecule, FDG,. The areas of the brain that process the molecule is a normal one, already damaged, says Dodel. In the third procedure, spinal fluid is examined. The doctor looks at the concentration of certain proteins.

More: prize for discoveries in protein folding

First symptoms occur, it changes the first, none of the above-mentioned three methods. New ones will be added, however, the so-called neuro-psychometric testing procedures. With different questionnaires and tests, the doctor puts in the patient’s brain to the test.

One of the most famous Tests is the clock test. The Patient is asked to make a clock with the Numbers from one to twelve paint job. Then he should also add the pointer for a certain time. That doesn’t work anymore, or the result is shifted strangely, this is a very clear indication that an advanced form of dementia. Whether it is Alzheimer’s, but needs to be detailed psychometric studies examined.

Prevention is better than cure

Just because there is a for Alzheimer’s disease currently has no cure, experts such as Richard Dodel for preventive measures. “Education is a very important factor,” says the physician. This was in Germany less important than in other countries, but a good education in the first third of life could suffer the risk of Alzheimer’s by up to eight percent lower.

With increasing age, other factors. So it is very important, hearing and visual impairments, with hearing AIDS and visual AIDS to compensate. The brain will not be used in these areas to normal, favoring the disease.

Richard Dodel, Professor of geriatric medicine, explains how Alzheimer’s can be diagnosed

“Sport is a major factor,” says Dodel and is recommended especially Dancing. “Tango is better than waltz. Because while the waltz at some point in the rotation, it is necessary to observe the Tango, there are many complicated step to follow.”

Obesity, Diabetes, and vascular disease are additional risk factors. Therefore, can Smoking, alcohol and an unbalanced diet increase the risk. Finally, it is important to keep in regular contact to other people. Because loneliness and social Isolation, as well, that the brain has not enough to do. “You can exclude all the factors, you can reduce the risk by up to 35 percent,” summarizes Dodel.

More: “To Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and AS we answer all the open questions”

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