Fear mongering with Gay no longer works


With his new party, “spring” Robert Biedron, the great hope of the left-liberal camp in Poland. In a DW Interview, he explains why he wants the PiS for the leadership of the court.

Deutsche Welle: The Church of critical, liberal, ecological party “Wiosna” (spring) could be – according to current polls – a third force in Polish politics. Changes there’s something in the Polish society, or is it just a defiant response to the conservative PiS government?

Robert Biedroń: In the DNA of each company, there is a group of citizens, democracy, the separation of Church and state, clean air, and certain Standards happy life in high esteem. Therefore, it is not a phenomenon. It exists naturally in the Polish society. I think it also has existed before, but it lacked a credible Alternative. Our party – spring – has simply brought the needs of a large group. I’m not of the opinion that it is the result of a Fatigue or dislike of the government. But there are people who appreciate such values, and political representatives are looking for.

Therefore, your party, the spring would not be a seasonal phenomenon? Eight years ago there was in Poland a similar movement of Janusz Palikot. They blossomed quickly and withered.

I think, in the 21st century. Century, there will be parties, arising as a response to the needs of the Moment and then disappear. But in our case it is something permanent. The most important thing is not to lose credibility. You have to be true to the own values.

A propos your own values, there are many indications that the Polish LGBT Community will be the target of fierce attacks in this year’s election. Are you going to defend you?

I’m part of the LGBT Community! I must defend myself so be it. But Jarosław Kaczyński, the head of the PiS party, is shot to, I believe, is a useful addition. Today, you can’t scare people in Poland, Gays and lesbians, fear. The poles know that Gays and lesbians are clearly a part of this society. Many have also understood that gender equality is part of democracy. You can’t fight for democracy without fighting for the rights of LGBT people.

We assume, you will be part of the next Polish government. Would you try to achieve a settlement with the actions of the PiS government?

Of course, we have already announced. I am of the opinion that you can’t otherwise move on to the next stage.

The left-liberal, gay, popular, Robert Biedron and his followers of the Wiosna”-party

And what exactly do you want to pull the PiS responsibility?

You broke the Constitution! The person responsible must be provided to the Tribunal prior to the State. It was not a mistake, that the civic platform had the courage to do so. Such indulgence leads to a Degeneration in the policy. The Otto-Normal-consumers do not understand that you can land for the theft of a chocolate waffle in jail, but not be held accountable for the Levering of the constitutional order and the democratic foundations.

Which German-Polish relations you want?

Good Neighborhood! We are a Partner. We should treat our friends on the German side as the best of neighbors. For us, Germany is the best neighbor, there is no Alternative. In our interest to have good, friendly relations with this very important Player in Europe and in the world. What is happening now in the German-Polish relations, is very unreasonable. There are many things that we need to clarify with the Germans, for example, Nord Stream 2, but Germany is, for us, a Partner can be in Addressing many of the problems.

Poland has but with this Partner, a complicated story. You are of the opinion that Poland, Germany should demand reparations for the Second world war?

Of course not, this is nonsense. You should then call Germany from Poland the return of Stolp, where I was mayor, or of Wroclaw? The poles want to have in Germany a good neighbor, you want to sit together with Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron at a table, to Polish Affairs in Europe. The table to knock it over, doesn’t make any sense. Germany could afford to lose Poland as a Partner, Poland creates it, in view of what is driving Vladimir Putin in Europe, not excluding Germany.

A propos Macron, as you are to his Reform proposals for the EU?

You are brave. Macron, you self-proclaimed a Renaissance for Europe. Of course, you can discuss the Details. But generally speaking, politicians who have a Vision for Europe is lacking. To me this is selfish, and French views on the future of the continent is. But there are also things I find very good. For example, a common climate policy. This is very important for Poland, where an estimated 45,000 people per year die because of air pollution.

And what European Union you want?

I am a European Fundamentalist. It is in the interest of Poland to be in the EU in order to tackle specific problems. The EU should not diseases with the curvature of bananas, but instead with the fight against cancer, housing shortage, air pollution, low wages are concerned.

“Those responsible must be brought to Tribunal in front of the State.”

Europe is surrounded by poor regions. There is a large migration pressure from Africa and Asia. How, then, should the EU?

The EU must pursue a sensible policy, not a No-discussion-policy of the open doors. In Poland you will be able to after all, what did Jarosław Kaczyński, the people currently not convinced that we should all leave Europe in. But you could invest in the education to the people in a discussion on Migration to prepare and to eventually begin a serious debate about a sensible migration policy could look like.

How do you assess in retrospect the decision by Angela Merkel to close the borders to Germany?

The German policy, this was a decision of Mrs Merkel. The Polish government has followed a very different path, and I think it was the wrong way to go. But Angela Merkel has paid the price for your policy. This shows that we need a common European migration policy, because they did not work, neither here nor there really.

The interview was conducted by Wojciech Szymański