Brexit: The week of the decision


On Tuesday, the Parliament in London votes again on the Brexit Deal. Brussels has not delivered the hoped-for miracle formula. Theresa May fails, there is probably a delay of a Brexit.

“It’s not as hard as it looks”

The decision on the Brexit Deal falls this week in the British Parliament at last? And the vote on Tuesday is a timely end to the horror, or the continuation of terror without end?

Theresa May has pushed their battle to the exit of Britain from the EU until the last Minute. Until the official Leaving date on the 29. Of March there are still a good two weeks. Nevertheless, the outcome of the dispute in London is still uncertain.

Last Appeals

On Friday, the Prime Minister had travelled in the port town of Grimsby in the North East of the country, where about 60 percent of the citizens for the Brexit had voted. After the decline of the fishing industry of the place struggling to Survive. Host Theresa may’s last appeal to the British, the EU, and their party was, of all things, a Danish wind energy company. The Prime Minister has a sense of irony.

And now? In the port town of Grimsby, over 60 per cent of the citizens for the Brexit voted

May called on the EU to a “last effort” to bring the Brexit this week on the goal line. So, as if it is in the interest of Europeans to help the British during the exit phase. And they threatened once more, the conservative hard-liners would not endanger the Brexit itself, when you finally agreed for your Deal.

On Sunday then Minister Jeremy Hunt acted outside the policy talk show, the BBC, and formulated even more clearly: If the Deal is not this week the Parliament is at last a majority, then there is the danger of “losing the Brexit”. The vote in Parliament is again wrong, as most recently in January, then we are already 2/3 of the way to “no Brexit”. And that will have devastating consequences for the future of the conservative party.

It looks bad for May

These Appeals at the last Minute are unlikely to change the minds of someone. It is expected that Theresa May loses the vote on Tuesday. It rates in the own party, the fashion Brexit-trailer, some of the ready to compromise Pro-Europeans and a handful of Labour MPs from constituencies with a strong Brexit-a majority on your side. How many of these Labour rebels, however, it is, and whether you could save Mays Deal, is unclear.

Against the Deal, the vast majority of the Opposition: Labour, the Scottish SNP, the Independent and the liberals. The decisive factor will be how the Northern Irish DUP and the radical Brexiteers decide for the Conservatives Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Sends in recent ambiguous signals: the conservative Brexit opponent Jacob Rees-Mogg

He has sent in the last time, ambiguous signals: on the one Hand, he indicated a willingness to compromise, on the other hand, he is called the exit agreement with the EU, is unacceptable and intolerable. Also, the former Brexit-Minister and self-confessed hard-liner David Davis spoke on Sunday of a “terrible Deal”. That doesn’t sound like consent.

How, if May loses?

At the weekend, the negotiations on the improvement of the Irish Backstop, the reinsurance against a hard limit in Ireland to be definitively broken rails in Brussels. The negotiation by the British attorney-General Geoffrey Cox had proven to be rather a hindrance than useful.

Cox attempts to solve a political Problem through legal means, was sued in the EU. Finally, it turned in circles. The Prime Minister loses on Tuesday, once again, the vote on the Deal with the EU, it has promised Parliament a vote on whether a No-should be excluded Deal Brexit. A large majority is considered to be safe.

In the next step, then the members of Theresa May could be forced by a decision to ask the EU an extension of the Brexit period. Probably you will come to the previously, and of these request announce.

How long does renewal take?

How long, however, the added time is meant to be is also controversial. May just want a short, technical extension until the end of June. Because she wants to meet at the summit in Brussels on 21./22. March try again, the heads of government personally, the decisive concessions from. Thus, they failed sooner, but May is extremely persistent.

Watch the Video 00:23

May: Brexit-postponement of a maximum of until the end of June

A final vote on the divorce agreement with the EU could be in the last week of March, scheduled three days before the official Leaving date.

It is also much longer time periods in the interview: There are voices in the EU who want to give the British time until the end of 2020, to be about ‘if and how’ of a Brexit clear. And this idea has recently been supported even by a few British Conservatives.

The second Referendum as a way out of the cul-de-SAC. The Labour Party is considering that May’s the Deal, to agree to the condition that the citizens be allowed to vote on it. This request will probably be introduced later this week. The party leadership is waiting for a favorable Moment in the last Minute.

And finally, the question of whether and how long the Prime Minister can survive the self-created Brexit-Chaos politically, still remains. It is an attempt to force them to premature withdrawal in the next few months, and the hard Brexiteers to change his mind again. Currently, however, it does not so that from it something is. And for May of the set, that are exaggerated all the news about their immediate political end is anyway.