Women’s day in Berlin is international


In Berlin, the world women’s day for the first time, a public holiday. For the “Alliance of internationalist feminists” is not achieved so much – she wants to make the world-wide oppression of women is visible.

“We should be even talking about the Security, and all have tea?” In the Kurdish centre in Kreuzberg, a colorful busy. Again and again the door bell rings, the bubbling kettle, the women of the “Alliance of internationalist feminist welcome inside” each other warmly and wide posters and flyers on the tables. It is the last Meeting before the big day.

“United we get what we want.” – “Together we can achieve what we want.” This is the Motto under which the Alliance at this year’s International world protested women’s day in Berlin against discrimination and oppression of women around the world. Around 30 different international groups, associations and individuals have joined this Alliance, including the “Council of women DestDan” and “Dziewuchy Berlin”. This year their actions with a rally in front of the women’s prison in Lichtenberg start.

“In Berlin, the international women’s day is now a holiday. This gives the impression that we have already achieved a lot. But that’s not true. Here in Germany every third day the death of a white woman by a white man. Only here the is dismissed mostly just family drama or jealousy story,” says Uli from the International Women Space (IWS), one of the participating clubs. “So we go to the place where it is visible that women worldwide are still oppressed, because they want to lead a self-determined life.”

“Refugee camps are a kind of prison”

Also on the Situation of refugee women in refugee homes and camps here in Germany, you want to make with this symbolic action attention. Because she, too, says Uli, a kind of prison.

Jennifer is a founding member of the IWS and of the Alliance. “The Situation of women in the homes and in the so-called anchor centres where Refugees who are granted asylum are held until they are deported, is just awful, hygienic, psychological, and emotional.” The EU-countries because of their arms sales, is responsible for the wars in the countries from which people fled, says the Kenya-born wife, also has to be talked into.

According to Figures from the Federal criminal police office every third day is dying in Germany, a woman by domestic violence.

For the past four years, the international women organize their own Demonstration. This is the intention. “We used to have with others, the majority of white feminist groups demonstrated,” says Jennifer. But we realized quickly that we have as a minority fundamentally different claims. This does not go down, if we have our own space. Because we are fighting for very basic human rights. For our right to existence, a place of residence, the right to learn English, against the Residenzpflicht (Residence requirement for asylum seekers, ed.).”

International Women’s Solidarity

Also, the Korean Heawon of the AG “comfort women” in Korea Association is on Friday. Your action group is an advocate for victims of systematic sexual violence by the Japanese army in the Second world war. The Japanese deported at that time, women from occupied territories in military brothels, to donate to the soldiers far away from home “comfort”. “Around 200,000 women were abused during the Second world war as sex slaves miss. Until today, Japan does not recognise this as a war crime,” says Heawon. “In the Alliance, we come together, for example, with jesidischen women were at the mercy of the genocide by the IS. So we can stand in solidarity with them.”

Also, the Spanish Ana of the “Ni Una Menos” (Not a woman less). In 2015, the grass-roots movement against violence and murders of women in Argentina was formed. Meanwhile, there is the group in other Latin American countries and in Europe. “We found that in Germany there is hardly any awareness for crimes of violence and murders of women. So we thought about how we as migrants contribute to this global Problem is more visible.” The feminist movement, she says, is currently the world’s most powerful international movement.

Also with the Kurd’s seer, by the Socialist women’s Association. “The women from Turkish and Kurdish areas frequently occur on the residence status of their husbands to Germany. The dependency ratio creates right from the start. It leads more easily to repression and that these women exercise their Rights,” she says. “Through the feudal structures, the potential for violence increases. Many women are fighting already to live in two cultures at the same time, no English or are Housewives and have no time to work a few hours a day.” These women conveyed their organization, lawyers and women’s shelters. Men may on 8. March at the “inter-nationalist Feminist Alliance” does not demonstrate with. “But,” say the spokespersons of the Association, “you’re welcome to sit with their own actions against violence to women”.