Poland’s new Left


The new left party, “spring”, prior to the European elections as an Alternative to the national-conservative PiS and the liberal Opposition. Some critics in Poland believe that this could strengthen the PiS only.

The well-known left-wing politician, Robert Biedron, has announced his new party months ago and the last time used to listen through Poland tours and people. He was like a magician: “to make the eyes and thinks that Poland would you like to have,” he said to his Fans and let them in on slips of paper their dreams to write down. From the wish-list he wanted to forge the program of the future party, to implement it as Poland’s future Prime Minister.

A left vacuum

In the policy Biedron is no newcomer. From the ultra-conservative southern Poland-born political scientist who was an expert on human rights at international organizations and the first openly gay MP in Poland. During his time as mayor in the city of Slupsk (pol. Slupsk) in the North of Poland, he has managed that the heavily indebted city in the black first time.

Famous red Sofa, he turned on the street of Stolp and citizens to the discussion invited. The open dealing with his homosexuality for many was shocking, but for others it’s a proof of courage, gave him even more credibility.

Biedron in the party’s founding on Sunday in Warsaw: “the Political landscape of renew”

With his new party “spring” is trying Biedron to fill a gap in the left part of the political spectrum. The social Agenda, which belongs traditionally to the left-hand Repertoire, has already taken over long ago, the national-conservative PiS in their rhetoric and program. None of the left splinter groups is now represented in the Polish Parliament. Some of the pressure of the Communist past and the other not, with their radical slogans in the more conservative Polish society.

Against the Power of the Church

However, Biedron dares the attempt. He wants to renew with his party, “the political landscape”, his announcement on Sunday in front of about 7,000 supporters in a Warsaw stadium. “Human, community, and trusted state” are the three pillars of his system. He wants to provide the currently tax-free profits of the Catholic Church, including the collection, now with a levy to the state and the teaching of religion in the public schools, abolish it. “We are not against the bishops knees,” said Biedron, and earned some applause on that one.

Watch the Video 00:18 live Now 00:18 Min.

Biedron: “teaching religion to abolish”

He wants people to no longer than 30 days to the visit to the specialist to wait, each of the smallest municipality to guarantee the public transport and the minimum pension of almost 400 Euro. In addition, Biedron for the mitigation of the restrictive abortion laws and the abortion law up to 12. Week of pregnancy. He advocates for sex education in public schools and for the legalization of same-sex marriage.

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On his Agenda is the political settlement with those who “have violated the fundamental pillars of the rule of law”, he wants to place before a state Tribunal. Thus, the Rulers are meant, the attempt, in spite of criticism from Brussels, and despite the EU rule-of-law procedure, their controversial judicial reform to push through. The radio should be withdrawn, according to Biedron, the control of the government. “The pathology in the public media, we will take away the politicians these toys,” announced the Parteigründeran.

To raise three months before the European elections, a new party from the baptism, it could prove to be perfect Timing. Biedrons Chance is in the voters favor. Already months before the founding of the party, he and his not-yet-existing grouping got in some surveys, about ten percent approval.

Now he can expand the electoral base. The structures are already in place. He is supported by Thousands of volunteers, has six regional coordinators, several Responsible for the counties. Everything is financed by donations, so Biedron.

The danger for the liberals

In his rhetoric Biedron relies heavily on the separation between the political establishment and ordinary citizens, whose interests he represented. He criticized the political polarization in Poland, the “Polish-Polish war” between the national-conservative and liberal-minded humans.

For him, the liberals – including the largest opposition party citizens ‘ platform (PO) had no real Alternative to the PiS, because the two sides fight to deliver instead of programs. There are two sides of the same coin. The fight between the two major parties was not “his fight”, so he chooses to go it alone. His fight is not only true of the national-conservative PiS, but also of the liberal Opposition.

Biedron, in a conversation with citizens in Szczecin (in November): Like a magician

This is disappointed because they want to make just now, shortly before the European elections and a few months before the Polish parliamentary elections in the autumn, a common Front against the PiS. “Robert Biedron, would today have to think wider, not only on his own career,” says Ex-Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz (PO), bitter and calls on all to “Reflection”, “make your own political career above the future of Poland”.

Biedron links should bind to liberal-minded voters, the weakness of the liberal parties, analysts predict. Thus, the Opposition would be fragmented even more, what the PiS, which is anyway in all the polls, it can only benefit.