“Historic agreement between Serbia and Kosovo”


Edi Rama, Albania’s socialist Prime Minister, estimates Angela Merkel and the role of the USA in Kosovo. Less well known are his artistic vein. In Berlin, he’s got a very and answered questions from the DW.

Deutsche Welle: The international well-known artist Petrit Halilaj, described her exhibition as a mental space. He said, you have the Feeling of being l as you enter the brain of the artist. You see?

Edi Rama: It made me very happy that Petrit was there. He is a Superstar, a wonderful person, and his positive Feedback made me very happy.

You paint normally, notes, letters, papers that you use during your work as Prime Minister and thus move constantly between politics and art. There is a discernible relationship between the content of the papers and the Painted?

Here there is no connection with the policy. I just draw while working, I draw in Meetings, draw during a telephone conversation, in the breaks, and it is a very natural process, where the Hand follows the eye, and the eye on my Hand. My whole attention is on the conversations, the work, the decisions, the questions that need to be addressed.

9. To see the March in Berlin: Edi Rama’s art objects

Many artists are listening to with their art, if they come to Power. If you make more. Is the result of a conscious decision or more of an intuitive action?

Here there are no recipes: one makes it so that the next different. But in my case, body is. It is like the air you need to Breathe. It does not prevent me in my work. On the contrary, it helps me. Both of them live side by side.

Then please allow me to switch to your other profession. They are considered to be a big Fan of Angela Merkel. Are you disappointed by the Balkan policy of the Chancellor?

Absolutely not. I don’t have no reason to be disappointed. She is a true friend of the peoples of our Region, she is a visionary Leader and is very clear about the future. Above all, it is a fantastic role model for Leadership and a strong torch-bearer of our idea.

I ask you, because lately the impression has been created that they turn to the United States. The United States is currently for a quick solution to the Kosovo question.

The United States has supported Kosovo from the very first day. Without the USA, Kosovo would not have been exempt from the Belgrade-Mouth. It would not have become the independent state it is today. The USA were always firm supporters of the development of democracy in Albania. And since day one has spoken in Albania clearly in favour of the partnership with the United States, regardless of whether the government was there to the left, or conservative.

Germany is opposed to a change in the current borders as a solution between Serbia and Kosovo. From diplomatic circles in Berlin, you hear a concern that this solution will hesitate to, among other things, the Integration of the Western Balkan countries in the EU. You see?

She very much appreciates: Rama to visit with the Chancellor on 25. April 2018 in Berlin

In my opinion there is a necessary dialogue process to be finalized with a historic agreement between Serbia and Kosovo. As for us, we support any agreement that is clearly supported by the USA and the EU. Everything else is nonsense.

A historic agreement has been reached on the Western Balkans, the Prespa agreement, which has now been approved by the Greek Parliament. How do you see the future of the Albanians in Northern Macedonia?

I think that this was a historically absolutely correct step. It has a long period of the Blockade, the conflicts, the disability behind and it took a brave Leadership to implement this agreement, which has freed the Region to be permanently out of a large terminal, and all the Nations that are involved in this process, a perspective is opened for the Macedonians for Albanians.

What do you expect concretely from the German government in the next few months?

I don’t expect anything Special, because the German government has to act correctly both in the world as well as in the Region. She is a very reliable government of a really friendly state, has been in Albania and for the democratisation of the Region and for the European Integration of the Region, including Albania, has used.

Edi Rama, born in 1964 in Tirana, was formerly an artist and lecturer of the art Academy, before he went into politics. He painted over like papers, letters, notes, which he used in his everyday life. Then he leaves you on a Wallpaper print and sold you for, for example, 30,000 euros. Such a Wallpaper is currently on show in Berlin, in addition to other drawings, and sculptures of the 54-Year-olds.

The conversation was led by Anila Shuka.