The money of the Salafis


The Federal government wants to stop the foreign funding resident in Germany, mosque communities. To do this, you had discussions in the Gulf region. It is ultimately about much more than money.

The city of Fellbach near Stuttgart reacted immediately. The EMC-Immobilien GmbH was transferred in the year 2014, the amount for the purchase of a plot of land the size of half a football field in the city already. Since the Stuttgart state office of criminal investigation, who is hiding behind the real estate developers discovered: the Kuwaiti “Revival of Islamic Heritage Society” (“society for the revival of Islamic heritage”). Had want to build on the site, the centre of an Islamist “strategy plan for the missionary work in southern Germany”, as the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” in June of 2017 quotes from the protection of the Constitution. The city of Fellbach changed immediately in the plan and prevented the planned construction.

This example shows that organizations from the Gulf States, are creative and active when it comes to the spread of Islam in Europe and in Germany. For years, these organizations try their – mostly ultra-conservative – to spread an interpretation of Islam in the West. In this case, it was a Kuwaiti Organisation. Also as an exporter of Salafist ideology is called Saudi Arabia.

Network of foundations, mosques, preachers

The Saudi Royal house, see yourself as a leader of the global Sunni community, writes the Saudi-Arabia-expert Sebastian Sons of the German society for Foreign policy (DGAP). The Wahhabi Islam, should Version be as universal, and therefore global order established. To this end, the Saudi rulers supported in the past few decades, Islamic institutions should spread this ideology around the world. “This policy has led to a tight network of foundations, mosques, religious schools and preachers has developed, which is used in the sense of Wahhabi doctrine around the world. With state and private funds especially in the Balkans, in South Asia and Africa, but also in European countries were subsidized Wahhabi institutions and the countries of destination, free Quran copies, teaching materials and brochures flooded.”

The challenge of fundamentalism: police officers control a Salafist in front of a rally, September 2016

This development is seeking to counter the Federal government now seem to be decided. A step in this direction is the attempt to prevent the financing resident in Germany, mosque communities by money from abroad. Because the software is supported with these funds, an ideology contrary to the values of a liberal democracy are diametrically opposed. “Many Saudi-funded mosques and religious schools to spread hatred for people of a different faith, foster extremism, and lead young Muslims are brainwashed to educate these to be uncompromising advocates of Wahhabi intolerance,” Sebastian Sons in his book “On the Sand of a study on the current Saudi Arabia built”,.

Successful talks with Kuwait

The the Federal government. She stands in front of the Problem is that religious communities in Germany and their financing is largely a free Hand. This is the freedom of religion guaranteed to them. Only in the case of a concrete suspicion of terrorist activities, the authorities may be active. That is why the Federal government is now trying to stop the flow of funds at source – i.e. in the Gulf States.

Two fully veiled women on the way to the process against an alleged Salafists in Hamburg, October 2017

Successful the talks had run in front of all, with Kuwait, said Christopher Burger, a spokesman for the foreign office, the Federal press conference the end of this week. “On the Initiative of Kuwait has developed a close cooperation. The Kuwaiti government is committed to examining the funding of projects in Germany, particularly thoroughly. We exchange us specifically with the Kuwaiti Embassy in Berlin, to make the support of religious institutions transparent.”

The Hawala System: the control is hardly possible

However, it is also not easy to keep track of the flows of money and control. Because the money is only transferred to a very small part of banks. Instead, it is transported partly in cash, but especially about the so-called Hawala System: upon presentation of the code – for example, a series of numbers or a pre-arranged Qur’an verse – not the recipient of the cash of a Messenger, but a trusted person on-site, which, in turn, on the trustworthiness of the original money owner. In this way, the Transfers are deprived of the control of the state. If you wanted to enforce control, you would have the entire Hawala System to regulate – which, given the informal Basis of the system is impossible.

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Salafist scene in Germany

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Network of Salafists in Germany is more active

The fight against radicalisation is therefore in several Ways, also of the ideological confrontation. Which seems to be urgently needed. The number of Salafist orienierter people in Germany is increasing. In the year 2018, the Constitution of registered protection in the whole Federal territory 11.200 Salafist in the year 2014, there were still 7000. “The variety of propaganda activities of the Salafists, which they refer to euphemistically as a ‘missionary’ or ‘invitation to Islam’ – in truth, it is a systematic indoctrination, and often the beginning of a further radicalisation -are ‘successful'”, says a paper of the constitutional protection. “Salafism is the fastest growing Islamist movement in Germany.”