The battle for snow


Davos sees himself as a “cross-country skiing Paradise of the Alps”, thanks to the altitude and snow security. But climate change is here, the temperatures are on the rise. The Region therefore relies on “the snow of yesterday.”

“The Route to the sertig valley is my favorite ski trail, just a classic,” says cross-country skiing Star Dario Cologna. “This beautiful valley has so much sun, increases in light and is perfect for longer endurance training.” Cologna lives and trains in Davos, and here he laid the Foundation for his successful career. At the Olympic Games, about the Swiss gold won medals. And four times already, he could also decide the overall standings of the cross country skiing world Cup.

In Davos, Cologna also appreciates the rich tradition of the world Cup cross-country, every year in mid-December, the long-run, elite to points fighting. “Here in the flüela valley, I have competed in many inexorable race.” The 32 benefits-Year-old, especially from the principle of the so-called snow farming, “what to us in the autumn on its own doorstep is the ideal training conditions on snow.”

Perfect training conditions for cross-country skier Dario Cologna on the Flüela cross-country in Davos

Davos, 1560 meters, the highest city in Europe, is regarded as snow sure, however, climate warming is here, too, in the Canton of Graubünden noticeable. The temperatures are rising, winters are shorter. “In the last few years, the snow, the Frau Holle sent was not always so numerous,” said Christian Flury, head of the National performance centre.

The snow of yesterday, for the trails of today

Since 2008, the snow-farming comes in, so the storage and preservation of snow through the summer months. “This is a huge advantage for us due to the planning security. Already from the end of October we can prepare a Four-Kilometer artificial snow-cross country ski trail in the flüela valley on challenging terrain.”

Many national teams use this opportunity to prepare for the season, including the German Biathlon Team of the women’s. “Travel in the North is not necessary, the athletes can train in the daylight, not in a hall. This is ecologically meaningful,” emphasizes Flury. Also, for the sport, the trail is opened with the “snow of yesterday”.

In addition to the snow farming-hills in the flüela valley in Davos, the snow-work of the caterpillars tirelessly

Even in the Winter, around 20,000 cubic meters of piled up primarily artificial snow in the flüela valley, and with a 40-centimeter-thick layer of sawdust covered. Is produced the snow in minus temperatures, so that less water and energy is required than in the case of mild conditions in the fall. “We currently have in the summer, a melting loss of about 20 percent. Natural snow would scrape together, however, considerably more expensive and would require many machine hours”, explains Norbert Gruber, head of Technical operations. Also, the sawdust could be used again and again. The procedure was developed by the Swiss Institute for snow and avalanche research.

Pyeongchang on the treadmill

Not only is the snow farming has probably contributed to Colognas Olympic title in 2018 in South Korea, about 15 kilometres, but may also be a three-Meter-wide high-tech treadmill in the Davos cross-country skiing performance centre. “We can simulate weather ski independently on a Roll up to 50 kilometers speed, and 25 percent slope, and especially routes such as the Olympic trail, from Pyeongchang,” explains Flury. “We expect a lot for the next athletes. With you, we can work even better for hopefully the next Olympic victory.”

Perfect workout in the long-run-performance center in Davos

“A ray of sunshine for the long-running sports”

In addition to the long-running elite Amateur athletes take advantage of the diverse opportunities in the ski resort of Davos Klosters. The free trail network encompasses 100 kilometers of classical – as well as 75 km of Skating trails of all difficulty levels. Christian Flury speaks of a “unique Mix” of cross-country trails. “Davos is a small town. You can walk from any Hotel to walk on the trails, but also the side valleys. There is a way from everyday life and find peace in nature. Maybe Dario Cologna is even.”

For long-running expert Andy courtiers Davos has developed to a Swiss cross-country skiing Mecca. For many years, OK-the chief of the local world Cup race makes a Trend: “After the has started the long-running classic, and about 30 years ago, the Skating technique is to come, is today, the classic style is very on Trend.” Challenging both techniques, as courtiers are. Each body part requires. “Many top athletes from other sports benefit from the long-run as compensation.”

Into the swarms, courtiers device, if it is addressed to Olympic champion Cologna. “Dario is very popular, modest, open and yet incredibly goal-oriented. He is a ray of sunshine for the cross-country skiing here in Davos, and I believe in the whole running scene.”