Old nurse denounces violence in nursing


Eva Ohlerth loves her profession. However, in a German nursing home, she no longer wants to work. They would show the Minister of health, Jens Spahn like, what the care is ailing – best at night.

“I would go to serve the Lord Spahn, a Station where he has to run, through the smelly corridors where he hears at night calls for help, which sounds awful through the hallways, where residents begging that they be allowed to use the toilet,” says Eva Ohlerth. You do not wish the Minister of health a realistic picture of the care of the elderly, “a well-fed inhabitants in their Sunday dress in a beautiful lounge, a neat Cup of coffee. This is not the reality, are the lucky exceptions.” As of December 2017 to 3.4 million people in Germany were in need of, and the number is rising continuously. Three-quarters of the patient at home and cared for, a quarter in nursing homes. In the homes the people live in need most in.

Eva Ohlerth complained of violent conditions in the care. She is a geriatric nurse with 30 years of experience. Has worked in home care and outpatient care in Germany and Switzerland. Meanwhile, you can devote in outpatient intensive care 1:1 care for every patient as much time as he needs. Actually, she’s got a cold too much, but about the often taboo topic of violence in the maintenance, you want to speak strictly – under her real name. “For me, violence begins when a residents ‘annoying’, if you forget him, if he calls, ‘I need the toilet'”. Hard touch or blows were violent, but also humiliating remarks, to patronize, to Fix, or the Sedated with drugs, says nurse Eva Ohlerth – it’s nice to see experts.

New-old nurse in the country – the Minister of health, Jens Spahn needs of the German Day in Berlin

Bullying because of criticism of colleagues

You’ve seen a colleague berated a resident who suffered from chronic diarrhea, “You old Sow, have You been back to bed…” you’ve sent the aggressive colleague, yelled at, and stomped out of the room, says Ohlerth: “This little lady in the bed, she was glowing. She had a beep voice, and quietly said ‘Thank you'”. Because the colleague values on Ohlerth, it was reported: “it’s not how we go together.” In this case, the behavior of the helpless resident to be have been much worse: “violence in care is minimized.”

They had been ostracized and bullied, “because I told the night nurse miss is the people”. Few talk openly about such States. Ohlerth does not identify the nursing homes in Bavaria, where she has worked. Even the Chairman of the works Council of a large old people’s home carrier made a call without mentioning explicitly his name: “Please, do not love the nursing staff, and attracts to you the Shoe of the ‘Nestbeschmutzers’. You are not, quite the contrary, it is even your duty, maladministration.” The Weakest in the System of the residents, he writes in a Text that has been submitted to the DW.

Ohlerth, as reported by a patient at the Store with the head against the bed hit the frame and another brutal food was entered via a stomach tube, that you had to continually belching. “For me, it freezes me when I tell her,” says the 59-Year-old and rubs his arms. They had been asked not to spoil the residents to respond immediately on the ring. You need to be different. With a resident you have operettas on the toilet singing, she says with a grin, “so loud it went, no matter whether wrong. The lady went to bed happy.”

“Imagine you are sitting in the car, and the nearest toilet is two hours away”

“Care begins with honesty”

The staffing in the care of the elderly exacerbated the workload. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn wants to Fund 13,000 new jobs, but skilled workers are hard to find. Two-thirds of the workers – most are women – work part-time. In 2017, there were Vacancies for more than 22,000 geriatric nurses and nursing assistants. The Institute of German economy (IW) estimates that the ageing of the society, the demand for additional skilled workers by 2035, up to 150,000 could rise.

Germany is, therefore, also nurses from abroad. Eva Ohlerth has a Vietnamese colleague, “a super nurse,” she says. You have a lot of appreciation and warmth for the patient. The decisive factor is not whether someone is German or from abroad come, but whether he or she is passe in the care, you will find it. Important prerequisite a good knowledge of German. The need to communicate with residents and colleagues in English. Everything else is “dangerous care”, warns Ohlerth.

The responsibility for the abuses and to escape from the profession, the 59-Year-old also in the documented things that you have not done. Jens Spahn could watch in a night shift in a nursing home, what is and what will be documented. He “would not be the first Minister of health, the fails of this System,” says Ohlerth: “care begins with honesty.” Not “the policy” is to blame, or Chancellor Merkel. The petite woman chooses drastic words for drastic States: “Merkel is the (residents) not in the shit.” The Medical service of the health insurance (MDK) checks the homes, was “powerless, if the documentation is neatly falsified”.

“The nursing home is the last home of the residents. So we have to,” urges Ohlerth

Some of the nursing students reported to her that you will be taught everything tick, so that it could be settled. “This is fraud,” says Ohlerth, homes would have to actually pay money back for services not rendered. They accompanied the young people as a practice anleiterin and tried to convey to you what is for you the most Important thing in the care: the respect for old people and self-determination: “There are residents who rent a room. This is your last home, so we have to. I’m not the nurse, who takes away the diabetic the cake. I measure the sugar and watch how much Insulin I should, according to medical prescription, spray again.”

Violence in the home care

Some of the idealistic colleague, have left the profession back, says Eva Ohlerth. Some were sitting today in discounters at the checkout. Because they, too, wanted to escape the constraints at home everyday, made Ohlerth first independently with a care service. More than 1.7 million people in need of care are supplied exclusively by members of 830,000 together with or solely by outpatient care services. Violence within the home care is less well-known than about abuses in nursing homes.

A survey conducted by the centre for quality in care (ZQP) dealt with violence from both sides in this “informal care”. Almost half of Carers reported mental and/or physical violence by well-Maintained. 40 percent said that they themselves had exercised violence against the Neat. This violence was not better than in the home, says Ohlerth, but you understand that between people who are, every day, 24 hours together, something aufschaukle. “If I shove as a professional force in the home of someone, the food is too hot or too cold or other abuse, there is no excuse!”

In the summer, Angela Merkel, has made in an old people’s home in Paderborn is a picture of the Situation in the care

Who honestly care, I have problems to Finance the work in outpatient care, according to the old nurse, about her experiences. If someone said, “I will not let you wash me today,” haven’t you settled the. For a toilet, the care Fund provides for three to five minutes. Someone with Parkinson’s or dementia disease remain in the middle of the aisle. Then you could push it further or on a toilet chair to ship – they reject violence and have been waiting until the patient goes on: “pay me no man.” Eva Ohlerth gave up the care of the service and went back to the nursing home.

Horrors of the night

They moved to night services, because they thought, then they could work in peace. But at the time, she was responsible for up to 90 people on three floors. Only since 2015, there has to be in Bavaria at night, one nurse per 30 to 40 residents. Eva Ohlerth told depressed that she had to leave the Dying alone: “I have called relatives in the night and asked if they come. Some I have not reached.” She had to rush, because someone had fallen, or Another Insulin needed. Eva Ohlerth was afraid to come back in the room of the Dying: “is he still Alive?”

Members, says Ohlerth, had helped her often in the care. A colleague, however, rebuked them, because they caught him as he – rather than the people – in the case of a resident in the room watching the TV and the food consumed. He had not changed the deposits of a resident, so her bed was in the morning soaking wet. As you have asked the colleagues to do his work, have built up the strong man in front of her and her threatened. You have reported all of the superiors of which, says Ohlerth, but in the end, you don’t have to leave the home, the colleague. She says, you miss a strong management team, which showed those who use violence, the Red card.

Eva Ohlerth went to Switzerland and worked there as a geriatric nurse. She remembers the appreciation: “If I say that I am a nurse, this is Great. When I say here, I am a geriatric nurse: ‘For God’s sake, have you learned nothing?'” In Switzerland, there is a flat hierarchy and collegiality, says Ohlerth. Training courses were paid and rewarded. You don’t have experienced any violence, not hot but, it’ll give you.

Mutual respect – Eva Ohlerth nursing homes would assist with a Coaching

Compassion for baby animals?

For personal reasons, Ohlerth came back to Germany. As an intensive care nurse, she now looks after around the clock by a single patient. You will be significantly better paid than in a nursing home and has more free days. Your Boss have the same claims to care, like you – “a godsend”. In a German home Eva Ohlerth want to work anymore. She has worked a lot to find your way and now offers Coaching for social institutions.

In society, you missed compassion and indignation. “If a baby Animal dying of thirst in the Zoo, in the news,” says Ohlerth, but to the suffering “of hundreds of Old, we take that for granted. I sometimes have the feeling that we have become accustomed to it. That makes me angry!” She hopes, “that one speaks more about abuse in care. The are no unfortunate individual cases, this is everyday life”.