Seyran Ates: the mosque creates tax transparency


The idea of a mosque-tax provides in Germany headlines: Why the idea quickly be misread, and what it could mean for the Integration of Islam, the liberal mosque, the founder of the Ates.

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“More transparency in the financing of mosques”

Politicians of the government coalition, have called for the introduction of a mosque tax, according to the model of the German Church tax. Seyran Ates is in favour of the idea. The founder of the liberal Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-mosque in Berlin is an advocate for a liberal and equitable interpretation of the Koran.

Deutsche Welle: Ms. Ates, a mosque tax in Germany. Why?

We should understand this term in a mosque tax as a working title. That was my Intention and you should declare: We can not think a mosque tax absolutely comparable and analogous to the Church tax. The idea should be borne in mind behind it. Namely, that the foreign countries to stop financing and we only have funding in the domestic market. As similar as Austria has done. Thus, the financing of individual mosques is transparent. Therefore, the idea to take one of the five pillars of Islam, the social Duty, and it to create something, what’s the financing of mosques is guaranteed here in Germany.

The mosque tax was introduced in Austria 2015, Islam law. Now, the German interior Minister says Islam is part of Germany, the Muslims living in Germany. Can include a control this gap?

We should not necessarily think about it, to close this gap. It can be ensured in any case, a better transparency and the Muslims could make of what Mr Seehofer: That there should be an Islam in Germany of Muslims from Germany, for Germany. This is only possible if the foreign countries stop influences, especially from Turkey and the Muslim brothers. We now have a radical and political Islam in Germany, which makes us Worry.

They are self-founder of a liberal mosque here in Berlin, but there are also mosques that are led by the German-Turkish mosque Association DiTiB. Could lead to a new funding model, the associations back?

The back is overdue. The Islam conference was was not used by the associations, the plurality of Islam. The associations have ensured that individuals or municipalities that do not like them, were kicked out of the conference out, to say the least. Therefore, it would be now thinking about a new approach about how Muslims are depicted in their plurality and as a democratic Council could be made, in which the liberals and Conservatives together. This commitment could come from the Muslims themselves, but also by the state are required.

The Interview was conducted by Maximiliane Koschyk.