Such as Jil Sander revolutionized women’s fashion


Ruffles and similar frills Jil Sander abhors. As a fashion designer you don’t want to dress women, but their self-confidence. Now, the most well-known German fashion designer 75.

No one stands for the brand Jil Sander, the designer. Feminine, self-confident, purposeful. Its international recognition and global success thanks mainly to two things: your essential diligence and their Vision, their fashion was marked from the outset.

Born on 27. November 1943 in Hedwigenkoog and grew up in Hamburg in the fifties, to advise tended Heidemarie Jiline “Jil” Sander according to their own figures in their Childhood, friends and family fashionable. After her textile engineering degree in Krefeld, Germany, where she discovered her penchant for high-quality and fine fabrics, it took you two years to Los Angeles. In 1965, she returned to Hamburg and worked there as a fashion editor for women’s magazines.

Sander on the Fashion Week in Milan 2004

Career firmly in view: First, Boutique 24

But the fashion of this time was not convincing for the young woman: too many frills, too many ruffles, too much “Chi-Chi”. At the age of 24, she became independent and a fashion boutique opened in the fashionable district of Hamburg, Pöseldorf in the milky way. First of all, strangers in Paris design pieces decorated their Display, and in 1975 released her first own collection. As you presented this in Paris, the critics were amazed at first. Only a year later, you should help of your created minimalist fashion, which was characterized by their light weight combination and thus, under the nickname of “onion-Look” was known to world fame.

Jil Sander brings a fresh Wind into the fashion world

Sander created fashion for the modern business women. Noble materials, clear lines, no frills. Your clothing should give women self-confidence in a male-dominated business world. “For me, it went much to the Form, function and Proportion. I never wanted to decorate,” said Sander once said in an Interview.

Comfortable, stylish and high-quality your fashion. Meanwhile, she never tried to copy the clothing style of the men. As a style-defining your Blazer, the became by its tailored cut and its skillful emphasis on the female proportions quickly to a box-office hit is all. Its simple, restrained fashion stood out from the playful Designs of Dior and Armani, the fashion world was dominated at that time.

Unusual for the time: Jil Sander campaigns for Jil Sander

Face of your own brand

Revolutionary not only in its purist clothes, but also the way she applied her perfume, the end of the seventies came in cooperation with the cosmetics manufacturer Lancaster to the market with your own face. Never before a designer had marketed itself as an advertising medium. And, although Sander’s otherwise rather restrained. She guards her privacy and rarely gives Interviews.

International success

From Hamburg it was in the world: In the years following her fashion expanded label. Jil Sander opened offices in New York, Paris and Tokyo. Soon also a men’s collection, and in 1989, the fashion company was one of the first to the Frankfurt stock exchange. As it merged in 1999 with Prada, everything seemed to be perfect. The Italian Partner should help the accessory business continues to expand. Just five months later, Sander resigned unexpectedly from the company to big the differences were between the cool Hanseatin and the spirited Prada managing Director Patrizio Bertelli.

Withdrawal from the Business

After their withdrawal, they spent a lot of time in your garden, your property Good at Ruhleben in schleswig-Holstein, surrounded of Plön, where she lived with her longtime companion Angelica Mommsen. There she found on a walk alone, read, and went. In the garden of their country house in Ibiza, they harvested olives, which she had to process olive oil.

From the catwalk to the Museum

It’s short trips in the fashion industry followed. For several years she was creative Director for the Japanese Fast-Fashion company “Uniqlo”. Later, she came back as chief designer for the company, Jil Sander, gave up the Items, but in 2013, in order to be there for your wife, who was ill with cancer. After that, it was quiet around Jil Sander. Only in 2017, she stepped back into the Public with their exhibition “present tense” in the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    Classic, clear

    A few German fashion designers have made an international name such as Jil Sander, which is since 1968 in the business. Already their first women’s collection in 1973, and earned her the reputation of a luxury designer with a classic style.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    Avant-garde yet casual

    You do casual avant-garde fashion for women, Jil Sander (pictured) described at the beginning of your style. Sander created from high-quality fabrics in classic, timeless fashion, office and leisure fit. The Exhibition “Jil Sander. The present tense” in the Frankfurt Museum for Applied art (MAK) is dedicated to the inventiveness and the creative power of the Northern German designer.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    In the presence of

    The title of the exhibition is chosen with Care, because the world’s first solo-Exhibition of her works is a multi-media presentation. Shed some light on the “impact of their Design on Aesthetics, Material and the Form of fashion and product design” – and even of architecture and garden art.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    The Bauhaus tradition

    Inspired by the fashion designer of the purist and functional Aesthetics of the Bauhaus style. No frills, no razzle-dazzle, high-quality fabrics that immaculately tailored: is Not a coincidence that today, the 73-Year-old got the nickname “Queen of omission”.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    Typical Jil Sander

    Sander’s fashion was purist, straightforward, classic – very different than the floral Parisian excesses. In 1979, a fragrance line, the “Queen of less, was added”, which was also within a very short time to become a classic. Since then, many of the new fragrance are yet to come creations.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    New Objectivity

    The Jil Sander collections were particularly sought-after in the Era of the Supermodels, photographers such as Peter Lindbergh femininity defined new, women as a sturdy and not fragile. Sanders smart pants suits were set for campaigns photographically perfect scene, in the spirit of the New objectivity, a style of photography.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    Simple Cut

    In the 80s and 90s, the clear, purist Jil Sander captured Look with the neutral, but never boring – colors, London, and New York. Sanders women’s fashion was remarkable and without striking, unusual in an Era in which the ladies took the popular term “dress for success” seriously.

  • Jil Sander, the Queen of the omission

    Quality in the Design

    “Jil Sander. The present tense” was developed in close collaboration with the fashion icon, and of MAK-Director Matthias Wagner K curated. Is divided into the exhibition according to different topics – from Catwalk collections, accessories, cosmetics, photography and art to architecture and garden designs. The exhibition at the MAK will run from 4. November 2017 to 6. May 2018.

    Author: Courtney Tenz (db)