Modern mourning culture: Surfing in the cemetery


QR Codes on grave stones to keep the memory of a deceased human in an upright position. Some of the cemetery administration provides data protection. Other cemeteries to inform App about famous Deceased.

On the tombstone, only the Name and the data of the deceased, by scanning a QR-Code via cell phone to learn more.

Some initial reactions were reserved, as a few years ago in Asia, the common Trend over Denmark and Austria, according to Europe immigrated. The QR Code on the grave stone should help keep the memory of a deceased people alive.

Known QR Codes are signs otherwise rather of advertising posters, and note, for example, on the timetable notice Board of bus stops and railway stations. They were invented in 1994 in Japan, QR stands for quick response, so a “quick answer”. Now it’s time to usher in the Era of digital farewell at the cemetery.

Share your memories

While masons are not more than the name and a farewell greeting, such as “sleep soft” can bring with the help of a Hammer and chisel on the tomb stone, the QR-Code, to inform on a Website about the life of the deceased. Members can exchange ideas, photos and memories to share. The Eulogy can be archived.

Today, QR Codes on the grave not more German cemeteries-so-exotic, really into fashion, you have come. “The QR Code is for five years, in the discussion, but so far,” says Michael C. Albrecht, on the Board of the Association of cemetery managers in Germany responsible for new media. “With the Code alone is not enough: You have to design a website and maintain it with effort and Know-how.” Older members were interested in.

On or next to the headstone, only the Name and the data of the deceased, by scanning a QR-Code via cell phone to learn more.

Administrations fear for privacy

Legal concerns arise at the latest since the entry into force of the new data protection regulation. “Some of the cemetery administrations are of the view that the QR Code is in breach of the data protection directives”, says Gerd Merke, a Professor of law at the University of applied Sciences Rhein-Main, and a reviewer for cemetery rights. Consent of the deceased during his lifetime, and that information about him may be deposited on the tomb stone, not, needed, it says Note: “although There is legislation, the post-mortem personality, but that is not legally binding.”

Problems could there be, however, if several heirs of a different opinion about the QR-Code. “Then you would have to be sued.” Experience of how courts decide in such matters, have not been fulfilled yet. In the case of the mass of the funerals QR Codes were still a very small proportion. “It is still a significant minority for the cemetery culture,” says Merke. “To me, someone dear, who maintains the Grave, as someone who does not care for after the funeral.”

In the footsteps of Dürer, and Brecht

Far more successful than the QR Code of the cultural and historical App Where you can rest, the cemetery for visitors to graves of famous personalities and information about the deceased is supplied. From the Foundation’s Historical cemeteries and cemeteries in Berlin-Brandenburg launched, the App lists more than 1,200 graves, which can be real or virtual, to be visited, including those of Albrecht Dürer to the Nuremberg Johannisfriedhof and Bertolt Brecht or John Rau on the dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof, a cemetery in Berlin.

The App contains map material, with the help of which visitors to the next famous burial site to navigate and also the Audio Guide to accompany. Enriched with anecdotes of the visit to the Cemetery to be so to the history lesson.

History lesson: in Berlin, buried author Bertolt Brecht, the App informs, “Where they rest”

No fault of the Graveyard

A fault in the Graveyard, Michael C. Albrecht, fear not, if visitors are using a Smartphone running the Hand over the cemeteries: “cemetery culture is not static, it evolves.” It is positive if cemeteries came into the consciousness of the people, “finally, there are also cemetery tours”. With the help of Apps, cemeteries could offer your visitors a cultural and historical value.

Even that two years ago, in the Hype around Pokémon Go, players went to the cemeteries on the mobile hunting, have a rating of some of the management is negative: “At once, young people came to the cemeteries,” says Albrecht. As long as other visitors would not be disturbed by the modernization unproblematic: “to deny the technical development, is the world strange.”