In the case of Genital Herpes, you cannot get rid of the virus


Herpes viruses are unpredictable. Anyone who has been infected, it carries a lifetime in the body. This is true for cold sores, but also for Genital Herpes. Is it usually faster than you think.

Herpes viruses are widespread. This is especially true for cold sores, caused by the Herpes simplex Virus 1 HSV-1. In 90 percent of all adults in Germany find antibodies against this Virus in the blood. The virus will remain throughout life in the nerve ganglia, often called a nerve node. You can always become active again. This is also true for the Herpes simplex Virus type 2, HSV 2. It is a trigger for genital herpes.

Routes of transmission

Herpes viruses are transmitted primarily through skin or mucous membrane contact. The virus is a nest really. 80 to 90 per cent of genital infections are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus 2. But the Problem had shifted due to the changed sexual activities and sexual practices, says Norbert Brockmeyer from the centre for sexual health and medicine in Bochum, Germany. “Increasingly, we see Herpes Simplex 1 in the genital area and Herpes Simplex 2 at the lip. This is happening now more frequently than was previously the case. The oral sex has probably an influence on the localization of these Herpes Simplex types.”

More STDs: dangers of Sex: Human papilloma virus

Cold sores can also be an aesthetic Problem

If it itches and tingles

First symptoms of infection with the Herpes Virus type 2 pain, itching and tingling, the lymph nodes swell. Burning and vaginal discharge can also indicate an infection with genital herpes.

“Herpes-viruses cause almost always lesions on the skin,” says Brockmeyer. Shortly after infection, the area of smaller ones grouped together, standing blisters form in the genital. They settle in the vagina and on the Penis, but the urethra and rectum can be affected.

The blisters are fragile and burst open later. Then form at these locations crusts. The are contagious. “In a first manifestation, there can be very serious diseases,” says Brockmeyer. “The eyes can also be affected by Herpes Simplex.”

Norbert Brock Meyer directs the center for sexual health and medicine in Bochum

Again and again

The Herpes Simplex virus you never get rid of, it always comes back to relapses. “Some people have a once-a-year a Episode or every two years. In the context of the menstrual period may occur in women of the Herpes Simplex, all four weeks.”

Herpes Simplex virus can also be released when no obvious symptoms are open. “The Affected have no lesions, but the Virus is still the mucous membranes, and may also be transferred,” says Brockmeyer. Most of the infections happen through sexual contact.

In order to secure the diagnosis on the basis of these external symptoms, the physician takes a swab. In the laboratory, then the pathogen can be accurately determined. The symptoms are generally heal within about two weeks. Strong solar radiation, but also Stress, direct mechanical irritation, or a non-functioning immune system can activate the Virus. Herpes Simplex viruses are unpredictable, and this applies to both types.

More to other sexually transmitted diseases: How risky is gonorrhea?

Infection process of the Herpes Simplex Virus

Of the mother on the child

The infected mother with the Herpes Virus 2, it may happen that transmits the Virus during the birth of your child. “If lesions are there, you should treat the mother before the birth, so that there is a suppression of the virus,” advises Brock Meyer. About half of the babies with infected mothers will be infected during the birth. The only way to avoid this, a C-section.

Therapy, but no cure

A vaccine is not available. Doctors can treat the symptoms of genital herpes, the Virus in the body but not kill. Doctors treat the disease with virus-inhibiting drugs. Such drugs can promote in the acute stage of healing and at least reduce the risk that the virus to multiply. “In the case of frequent relapses, a long-term therapy should be over several weeks and months considered,” advises Brock Meyer.

Until the blisters are healed, you should touch the corresponding part of the body is avoided, and Sex only with condom!

More to sexually transmitted diseases: Syphilis is back

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