Sierens China: Dog’s Life


Although China is more and more of his responsibility in the environment and the protection of species is aware, the Land the subject of animal protection and animal rights is still a large pent-up demand, says Frank Sieren.

2018 is not in China the year of the dog, just the four-legged friends have it this year. In Hangzhou, one of the most modern cities in the country that will host in 2022, the “Asian Games”, resigned last week, a new regulation in force, the dog owner makes life difficult: The attitude of the 34 dog breeds until further notice, banned German shepherds, bull mastiffs and some of the domestic breeds included. Between seven a.m. and seven o’clock in the evening, the animals are not allowed on the road. Public Parks and markets are at all-time taboo. Who doesn’t anleint his dog, must reckon with high fines. Unregistered and free-running dogs can be taken away from their owners.

Other metropolises, such as Beijing, Chengdu and Wuhan, have announced similar measures. In the West Chinese: the walk is a go for this month even only from 22 o’clock at night allowed. “Our animals spend a life in the dark,” wrote one of many outraged users on Chinese Social Media platform Weibo. The reason for the strict measures repeated attacks are dogs. The most noteworthy incident recently happened in Hangzhou, where the beginning of the month, a lapdog, a young mother and her child started. This occurred after the animal and was beaten by its master to the ground. Those who had not under control here, is actually obvious.

Still serious weaknesses

Although many Chinese people coddle their Pets like grandchildren and the Panda by the Chinese government is often used as a diplomatic General-purpose weapon, has China in terms of animal welfare are still serious weaknesses. Still, the country has protects no animal law for the protection of animals from violence, cruelty, and non-species-appropriate husbandry. This is also why awareness of animal is missing from many as well, and cruelty to animals. Clearly, for example, in the numerous privately run Zoos and Dolphinarium, opened in the smaller cities. These animal parks are often under financial pressure, what the animals felt.

Pampered Pets – acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine for dogs are not uncommon

Again and again, however, there are also the visitors, which torment the animals. In April, a group pelted in the southeastern city of Fuzhou, a kangaroo so long with stones, that it was based on. Similar thing happened at the beginning of the month in a Zoo in the province of Fujian. There, visitors injured the largest, in an enclosure of live crocodile in Asia for so long, stone-throwing, to large wounds gaped in the back of the Neck of 37-year-old reptile. In both cases, the visitors said they would want to ensure that the animals are allowed to move. “This kind of joy at the suffering of the animals is cold-blooded,” wrote the state and party organ “people’s daily”. Clear words are important in this case. But more education would be even better. Often as a Video go viral worldwide-going incidents do not throw back the last of China’s Soft-Power efforts.

Animal legal obligation to continue

In China, animal testing is still required – even in the case of cosmetics. In the EU, this practice has already been banned since 2003. The regulation applies not only for domestic manufacturers but also for imported cosmetic products. Even if a product tested with animal-free test methods and in the EU was released, must carry out the company tests on animals, do you want to sell your products in China. And since China is an important market, the most.

DW-columnist Frank Sieren

On the other hand, China has also made huge progress. After Beijing announced in October, the easing of the ban on the medical use of tiger bone and Rhino horns, according to international protests, but again rowed back, said Margaret Kinnaird from the WWF: “The step helps to maintain a leading role that China has taken in the fight against the illegal trade in animals, and in reducing the demand.” In fact, While the USA under President Trump is currently a step back, China in the past years for environmental and species protection. 2014 Beijing introduced draconian penalties for the sale and consumption of endangered species. Who eats species such as giant pandas, Golden monkeys and black bears, will be punished with more than ten years in prison. Who buys with intent of illegally hunted animals, must reckon with still up to three years in prison.

Another milestone was being chased at the beginning of this year, the complete ban on the trade of ivory – no matter whether fresh or older in origin. China has long been regarded as the most important and world’s largest market for ivory. A good 70 percent of the world trade in ivory ended up in the people’s Republic of. With the ban on Beijing, the the “5000-year history of the country,” conjures up otherwise, like up prevailed against traditionalists, propagating the Decorating and Carving of ivory as part of the Chinese culture. The measure for the General population to enforce, committed the government of one of the most famous Chinese as a guarantee of man: Yao Ming. The Ex-NBA professional Basketball, announced on large-scale posters that the ivory would products nice, but the blood to you with adhesive. “And this blood will not wash off”. Also against the consumption of shark fins it is called a joint campaign to life. Their consumption has fallen in China since 2011 to 70 per cent.

Chinese call for more animal welfare

The Chinese population is itself becoming more and more active. Of the 200 non-governmental organizations in China, in the meantime, for questions of animal welfare. Also, the infamous annual dog meat market in the city of Yulin is always more, especially young Chinese, an abomination. In 2016, a Petition against the Festival of the eleven millions of Chinese, was signed. This year, stopped activists on the way into the city, some of the transports, and established a temporary reception camp for the neglected dogs.

The resistance against the dog meat Festival in Yulin to grow. Street stalls like this one are now banned

According to China’s Deputy Minister of agriculture Yu Kangzhen, the conditions in the Chinese mass animal farming will be better in the future. At a conference last year, Kang spoke of “historical responsibility” and the will to do more with countries, the “progressive philosophies for animal protection”. Thanks to a growing middle class, the meat and fish consumption in China annually by around six percent. According to a new study by the animal rights organization Faunalytics but 51 of the Chinese would support a artgerechtere livestock. The will is there. Now all that’s missing is the relevant laws.

Our columnist Frank Sieren has lived for more than 20 years in Beijing.