In the case of meningococcal is danger in delay


Meningococcal disease is relatively frequent, but rarely severe disease – Meningitis or Sepsis. This can be life-threatening. Detect and quick Action are called for.

Approximately one in ten adults carries the bacteria In the nose and throat. As long as the immune system is strong, and the Vaccination of Childhood is you don’t get sick. But, when the infection breaks out: Woe to weakness, damage to the brain, hearing loss, learning this can be a sequelae of meningococcal infection.

Due to the infection, an inflammation of the brain, as Meningitis can be triggered, or a Sepsis, a blood poisoning. Then the Doctors need to amputate limbs. Approximately one fifth of Patients have such serious consequences occur. About ten percent of meningococcal infections are even fatal.

More: Meningitis: The swine flu in Africa

Not to underestimate

The first symptoms are usually nonspecific. They often resemble a flu or a flu-like infection. Then a high fever, and sensitivity are added to light and neck stiffness. It can also lead to hemorrhages on the skin. These usually start on the legs. For physicians, it is not easy to diagnose such an infection.

Meningococcal settle in our throat and nasal cavity. The incubation period is between three and four days, in individual cases, but also between two and ten days.

Through coughing, Sneezing, or shaking hands can transmit meningococci from an infected human through droplet infection to others. Even Kissing can happen. The carriers are infectious and can give the bacteria more, even if you are not ill themselves.

Different Types

Meningococcal disease occur in different groups: A, B, C, W and Y. These five so-called Serogroups are the most common causes of diseases. The serogroup “B is diagnosed” with 66 per cent the most, followed by group “C” with 19 percent. Then Y “with nine percent, and” W “with six per cent”.

Two-thirds of the cases, the disease runs as Meningitis, which is in Germany compulsorily notifiable. A third of it comes to a dangerous blood infection, Sepsis. At about ten to fifteen percent of it is a life-threatening Form of septic shock. It is, among other things, to hemorrhages in the adrenal glands.

Learn more: Sepsis – a life unrecognized and often dangerous

Babies and small children are particularly at risk of Contracting meningococcal

Before it is too late

In Germany, vaccination against meningococcal B vaccinations to the Standing Committee on vaccination (STIKO) recommended standard. Meningitis C and the rarer types A, W and Y have not been in the Impfkatalog included, and only a few kids are vaccinated against it.

Since it is caught frequently children, it is important to vaccinate and protect you from a possible infection and complications. Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to meningococcal infection. Your immune system is not as robust as that of an adult. An infection can develop within a few hours.

About 300 cases of meningococcal infections there are per year in Germany, the disease is so relatively rare. But it is important not to take the disease lightly, because in the worst case, and if not treated as quickly as possible, can this bacterial infection is fatal. The intensive care medicine can no longer help. In the case of suspected Meningitis immediately to the doctor.

More: hundreds of Dead due to Meningitis epidemic in Nigeria

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    And finally,

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    Author: Brigitte Osterath