Journalists at the pillory


The political divisions in Poland for journalists to be felt. For government criticism, people can lose their work. Conservative media feeling on the other hand the liberals have denounced.

“The only, what can I make in a year, is the compilation of information and quotes that other journalists for their contributions. This is a completely mechanical work”. Dorota Nygren, who was supervised for 15 years, radio broadcasts and news programmes, you can put up with the quiet archive to work hard. She was not forced to swap the editorial work in the public radio station against a much less well-paid research in the Archive, because she was with their heads on a line.

The insubordinate journalists

You had the courage to criticize the nationalization of the public media by the national-conservative PiS government. A year ago, when the Anti-refugee rhetoric of the PiS, has refused the journalist to name the nationality of a Moroccan, who had attacked in Italy, a Catholic priest. “It would stigmatize the man. The nationality or sexual orientation, you should specify only if it is a part of the story told. In this case, it wasn’t,” explains Nygren. So you are opposed by their bosses who wanted to specify the nationality in the case of offences. In the Warsaw district court, a process in which the journalist sued her employer for national discrimination runs.

The split in the media world

It is one of the few that have retained after the conflict with the government heads of the state media in their work. Since 2015, hundreds of journalists have lost in a similar Situation in their Job. The Ombudsman for human rights Adam Bodnar sees this as a growing politicization of the media world. “Self-independent journalists who are simply trying their craft properly run, are currently seen as the representative of a certain political camp,” says Bodnar in an interview with DW. He referred to this as “clan thinking” and speaks of an “identity journalism”, because journalists often identify with a particular political party or ideology.

The Polish radio journalist Dorota Nygren

Some of the national are conservative media language rule, the right of the pipes, the government has become, amongst other things, anti-German rhetoric. He, himself, Bodnar, had been attacked after an Interview with DW on the state of Polish law, the rule of law in the summer of 2018 that he represented German instead of Polish interests. Therefore, it surprised him that the DW stand currently in relation to the debate between the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and the Polish head of state Andrzej Duda in the pillory.

The debate of the President

The debate, which has led to a major topic in national conservative portals, has taken place in the framework of the German-Polish forum in Berlin and was moderated by DW journalist Rosalia Romaniec and Piotr Legutko from the state-owned Polish television TVP. Romaniec has asked the Polish President, among other things, to his proposed solution to the rule of law in dispute between Poland and the EU. His answer surprised most of the audience – for example, the remark, Polish media were more free than German, because they would report on the sexual harassment of women migrants in detail. Also Dudas analysis of the possible causes of a Brexit, he tried to explain with the European ban on incandescent light bulbs, caused Amusement in the hall.

A question is uncomfortable

The government of the middle Polish media alleged that the DW-journalist, to ask inappropriate questions and not to keep to the pre-languages of the subjects. “So violent reactions of the government, the media, the faithful in Poland surprised me. It is an attempt, those with intimidate, the demands of critical. I asked the Polish President to a question, the many guests in the room on the tongue was,” says Romaniec.

The DW journalist under criticism

According to the Statements of the Polish head of state, have taken care of in his home country for a fierce debate, was Rosalia Romaniec verbal abuse and insults in government loyal to the Polish Online media. There, the event was dismissed as pure provocation. “The debate turned into a public humiliation of the Polish head of state,” wrote the right website “” who described the event as scandalous. The editorial claimed that Duda will be attacked, out of revenge, because he criticize the construction of the Nord Stream Baltic sea pipeline 2. The conservative think tank “club Jagielloński” asked the question “What the hell are you Germans want?” and accused the hosts to have a “monkey theatre” was held. The post has been shared on Twitter hundreds of times.

The trigger for debate: German-Polish Forum on 23.10.2018 in Berlin

The politicization of the media

The condition of the Polish media is concerned, the international organization “reporters without borders”. In this year’s “World Press Freedom Index,” is Poland at the age of 58. Place. This is a throwback to 40 seats in the past three years (2015: 18th place). In the report of “reporters without borders” is spoken of a “blinding by the policy”. The freedom of the press is seen as “one of the first victims of the PiS-reforms”.

Jolanta Hajdasz by the management Board of the Polish journalists ‘ Association, which is currently dominated by representatives from national conservative media, speaks of a “ideological character” of the report. The supposedly dramatic situation find no counterpart in reality.

The language of new media

The freedom of the media was not currently in Poland is in danger because of the legal regulations in this area were similar to other European countries. “The freedom of the media was for years, not as big as it is now, because now the voices are allowed to speak, and have not been for years,” says Hajdasz.

The Association of journalists but also the risk that certain content fall under the censorship. In the conference, “The censorship on the net”, organised by the Association of journalists, together with the Catholic values of the Association Ordo Iuris in this summer, was accused of being the group’s Google, he would eliminate Patriotic and Christian content and Profiles from the Internet.