United States: election to the border with Mexico


The deployment of troops to the border to Mexico is, above all, a message from Donald Trump to the own voters, experts say. Stop the USA would have to the Migration from Central America with very different means.

While many Central American migrants continue on their way to the United States, increases the US government’s pressure to stop them at the border to Mexico: with the help of the military. US President, Donald Trump announced that between 10,000 and 15,000 soldiers could be stationed on the southern US border. No one will be left to the country, threatened to the Republicans.

“This is a measure to demonstrate in the run-up to the elections strength,” says Günter Maihold, a Latin America expert and Deputy Director of the Berlin science and politics Foundation (SWP). “Trump wants to show that he protects the borders, although the measure has, in practice, of no importance, since the soldiers can’t protect the border.”

Maureen Meyer, Director of the Mexico section of the human rights organization Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), which looks similar to this: “Trump wants to signal his electoral base that he takes everything to secure the border, though the military use is also a precedent for the United States. In the US there are very strict laws regarding the use of the armed forces in Germany,” says Meyer.

Just an attempt of intimidation?

The expert for security policy, says that U.S. soldiers were subjected to on the border many limitations: “you are not allowed to hold migrants at all or interact with them. You can support the infrastructure and the Surveillance and the border patrol alert, if you see people Crossing the border, but you have to prevent no powers, migrants from entering the country.”

Patrol of the US customs and border protection (in Texas): “In practice of no importance”

In addition, says SGP-expert Maihold, is whether Trump is unlikely to be able, the 3150 km long border to Mexico completely seal off. A lot more personnel was necessary: “for this reason, in the last time many of the technical instruments were not used because effective border control is exclusively with staff.”

The cooperation is no way out of

According to the WOLA expert, Meyer, solution to the immigration problem does not lie in the closure of the Border. “Washington needs continued cooperation with the Central American countries and try to combat the causes of Migration.” This could be done by in terms of the political problems such as violence, corruption, the weakening of state institutions and the inability of the police and the state to protect its own citizens.

It also welcomes the Initiative of Mexico’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has proposed a U.S. investment program for Mexico and Central America. Such U.S. assistance, stresses Meyer, however, should be to progress along the governments themselves to achieve in terms of safety and the rule of law.

The German Maihold is somewhat more sceptical and recalled that it gave to regional development in Central America with the Plan Puebla-Panama, of the then Mexican President Vicente Fox (2000 to 2006) has been ejected together with the countries of Central America. “It was hoped at the time that international donors would come to this. But this was not the case, and Mexico do not want to spend a lot of money.” The same fate, fears Maihold, will also be overtaken by a new Initiative as it emerges, and where the funding should come: “The migrants want to come to the United States, and only if you do not achieve this goal, they will seek support in Mexico,” said Maihold, and refers to the announcement made by López Obrador, the migrants ‘ employment in Mexico, so that they can stay in the country.

However, undaunted the with 3500 to 5000 people-largest group of migrants, who has made the way in the USA continues their walk to the North. Is expected to arrive at the US border, however, until after the Congress elections on may 6. November, the outcome of which you – as a campaign issue – likely to be affected.

  • The long way North

    Journey through three countries

    Further, hitchhiking or on foot: More than two weeks have passed since a group of migrants from the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula left to the North. Their goal: the U.S.-Mexican border in Tijuana. At the end of October, up to 5,000 people have crossed Honduras and Guatemala and have arrived in Juchitán, in southeastern Mexico.

  • The long way North

    Death on the border

    At the port of entry to Mexico, an important milestone for the migrants, it came out in the past few days, several violent clashes with security forces. A 26-year-old man from Guatemala was killed. According to the Mexican government, more than 1700 people have applied for the “refugee caravan” in Mexico for asylum. The greater part moves further in the direction of the United States.

  • The long way North

    Second group on the road

    While the caravan is smaller, because a lot of people have embarked on the way home or in Mexico and want to stay, tried a second, from up to 1,500 migrants existing group, the first to join. Here, the refugees form a human chain to cross the Rio Suchiate, the natural border between Guatemala and Mexico.

  • The long way North

    Fleeing from poverty and violence

    For some, escape is the only way out of a life of fear and hopelessness. Glenda Escobar from Honduras has joined with her two sons of the caravan. With 18 she was kidnapped by a member of a gang that controlled today, large parts of their home country, and raped. The 33-year-old unemployed hopes for a better life in the United States.

  • The long way North

    Dangerous Country

    The trip through Mexico is fraught with numerous dangers. Every two minutes, is kidnapped in the country, someone – for gangs is a common means to extort money or intimidate the population. A further threat of violent police officers. But it is also helped: Domestic supply the refugees with food, in special accommodation you can rest and feel safe.

  • The long way North

    Sleep under the open sky

    Despite the aid of the way to the North of deprivation. To back to also walk long distances, many refugees only what is Necessary for alone in Mexico, you will need to bring several Thousand kilometers behind. Sometimes the migrants, including many children, have to live, for a long time without food and Drink. If no accommodation is available in the vicinity, sleeping on the street.

  • The long way North

    “Our military is waiting for you”

    US President, Donald Trump has discovered the migrants, meanwhile, as a campaign issue. Shortly before the midterm elections, he wrote about the caravan: “This is an Invasion of our country and our military is waiting for you!” Trump has announced plans to send more than 5,000 more soldiers to the southern border of Mexico. Special units of the US border guards are there already in use.

  • The long way North

    The American Dream – only a dream?

    How many Central American migrants to reach the US border (see picture), is so uncertain as the future that awaits you there. Trump uses as a deterrent to tent cities where the refugees for the duration of their asylum procedure in detention. Meanwhile, the US President has spoken out in favour of the right to citizenship to be abolished in the case of birth on US soil.

    Author: Helena Kaschel