What Stress makes with the brain?


Stress does a lot of things with us: He disturbs our sleep, affects our mood, makes us sick. However, Stress seems to damage the brain, according to a new study.

To be stressed is normal. However, continuous Stress can affect your body and mind strong. Stress makes us tired, irritated, makes sleep problems and can lead to of appetite and loss of libido. In addition, Stress increases the risk for various diseases, such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, and Diabetes.

More: DW health News: even a little Stress makes you sick

But how Stress affects the brain? A question put to a group of researchers from the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. You are among over 2,000 adults looked middle-aged for a period of eight years. To be completed at the beginning of the study, the participants in a psychological, a memory, and a thinking test assets.

The researchers analyzed also the Cortisol levels in the blood of the subjects. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone Stress cortisol level rises in the blood.

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When Stress makes you sick

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When Stress makes you sick

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The result of the researchers showed that people with high levels of Cortisol have a worse memory than those with low Cortisol levels.

In addition, they found the early signs of memory loss.

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“Our research memory loss and the brain showed atrophy in middle-aged people before symptoms occur,” explains Dr. Justin B. Echouffo-Tcheugui, author of the study. “So, it is important to find ways to reduce Stress, for example, by getting enough sleep, regular exercise, in the everyday life of built-in relaxation techniques or by talking with his doctor about the Cortisol levels, and appropriate types of medication, if necessary.”

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    Endurance sports

    Easier endurance sport is an ideal remedy against Stress and its negative effects. Well-suited about Jogging or Cycling. Thus, the stress hormones are reduced, the heart and circulation are strengthened. Even people who are exhausted, experience in endurance sports as a beneficial effect, studies show. Unsuitable performance and competition sport, because of this new Stress.

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    Relaxation techniques use

    Relaxation methods such as Progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic Training are scientifically well researched. Also, for the effect of Yoga and Meditation, there are many documents. These methods release tension and build the physical-emotional arousal. Make you more resilient, more relaxed and happier. Relaxation techniques can also be emergency aid in acute stress situations.

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    Places of rest use

    The silence is a effective medicine against Stress. The nerves come to rest, the mind and the senses can regenerate. There are in the apartment a quiet space, you should visit the aware of on a regular basis for 15 to 20 minutes. Even in the big city places where it is quiet to see. A Museum, a library, a house of God. You just have to look for it!

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    In the nature go

    Dutch researchers have discovered: The color relaxes Green us and makes us happy! People who have a garden or a Park living, are proven to be psychologically healthier than other city residents, and less cardiovascular problems. That is why: regularly in the Green go there and aware of the fragrance perceive, the rustle of leaves or the singing of the birds.

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    Quiet phases of the schedule

    Regular Anti-Stress activities such as Jogging, autogenic Training or visit to the Park on the best as important dates in the calendar. Also, city people tend to take their leisure with dates, full to the brim, because you must see the new exhibition, or with the girlfriend go out to eat. Anyone who feels stressed, should be to reduce such appointments in favor of recovery.

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    Active breaks

    Mind and body need the opportunity for recreation. Who sits at a Desk all day, gets tension, the level of stress hormones in the blood reaches critical levels. Short quick walks in the fresh air, which stretches and rekelt, can remedy the situation. It goes back to a more relaxed and balanced in the workplace.

  • The best tips to fight Stress

    Sufficient sleep

    Most of them sleep too little. The need for sleep is highly individual, and this demand has to treat his body! During sleep, the organism can relieve my Stress. If possible, a well-ventilated sleeping space, which keeps disturbances – snoring Partner.