Comment: Sakharov prize is a strong Signal to Russia


With the Sakharov prize to Oleg Sentsov, the European Parliament honours the fortitude of a Ukrainian in Russian custody. It also shows, however, that it’s not just this one fate, writes Bernd Johann.

Oleg Sentsov is a lot of Demonstration in front of the Russian Embassy in Prague

Oleg Sentsov gets the Sakharov prize for human rights and freedom of expression, one of the highest awards given by Europe. The Ukrainian film-maker is fighting for the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 to the truth. The price but also due to the fact that, in addition to staff of the Russian Federation, nearly 70 more Ukrainians are since then for political reasons in Russian prisons disappeared.

Clear words for the Russian annexation of the Crimea

At the time of his arrest four years ago, Oleg Sentsov was one of the General Public is hardly well-known Director. But the process against him, and the excessive punishment of 20 years imprisonment, which was imposed in 2015 on the grounds of alleged terrorist activities, all made with their own hands as a Symbol for the victims of a politically motivated Russian judicial system, which can be directed against anyone who condemns the Russian Aggression against Ukraine.

Bernd Johann, head of the Ukrainian editorial

Staff of the Russian Federation was not impressed. He probably assumes that it can’t give people like him from the point of view of the Kremlin, because it is not allowed to enter. People who condemn the Russian annexation of the Crimea and the right to freedom of expression to defend. The development of the events on the Ukrainian Peninsula since its annexation staff of the Russian Federation. Especially the minority of the Crimean Tatars, but also many other inhabitants of the Crimea who still profess belief in Ukraine, trust is hardly open my mouth.

But with their own hands did not remain silent. Even in the Russian prison camp in the Arctic circle, he denounced the disregard and suppression of human rights. For this, he grip in the spring and summer of this year to a very radical and probably desperate means: He undertook a hunger strike and wanted to force the release of all political Ukrainian prisoners in Russia. Fortunately, he has ended the hunger strike after 145 days.

Between the millstones of a conflict

However, whether or not with their own hands will recover from the consequences of this action are health-wise ever again, it remains to be seen. His family and friends fear anyway. Because of the long lack of food, has attacked his organs, is it in your Reports. No one knows how to do it with their own hands at the Moment, really. Russian authorities are silent. Even the lawyer and the family are unlikely to have access. And so it remains highly questionable whether the staff of the Russian Federation can receive the Sakharov prize, which is awarded in December in Strasbourg.

The decision of the European Parliament is, therefore, a strong Signal to Russia. Clearly the members of the European Parliament call for the release of Senzows and also of the other political Ukrainian prisoners. So far, Russia showed no such inclination. Here, there is the way of pardon by the Russian President. Also, an exchange of prisoners with Ukraine would be possible.

Because not only in Russia but also in Ukraine people are under unclear circumstances in prison. But, obviously, you came between the millstones of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. And both sides could find more determined to Due for a humane solution to the problems. Also, the fate of Oleg Sentsov is a Symbol.