Armstrong team Manager Bruyneel.


His crimes weigh heavy: For Johan Bruyneel, the former team principal of the sinner doping, Lance Armstrong, back after a CAS verdict is no way in the world of Cycling.

The former team Manager of Lance Armstrong, Johan Bruyneel, may never more return to the sport of Cycling. The 54-year-old Belgian has been blocked by the court of arbitration for sport CAS for life. The former head of the US Postal team, was pulled for his role in the Doping scandal, Armstrong’s responsibility. Bruyneel was in the case of all seven Tour de France Victories, Armstrong’s, which have now been cancelled, on the side of the Texan’s.

“I am aware that in the past, many mistakes were made,” commented Bruyneel in an open letter on Twitter, the CAS decision: “There are a lot of things I regret deeply.”

Bruyneel was sentenced in 2014 by a court of arbitration in the United States, first to a ten-year lock. The world Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was pulled up in front of the CAS.

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