Future researcher Opaschowski relies on the youth


The Germans look full of uncertainty in your future, says the Hamburg-based futurologist Horst Opaschowski. So collective Fears. Also because the politicians answers remain guilty.

Professor Horst Opaschowski is one of the leading future researchers in Europe. Many of his theses, which he formulated in the 1970s and 80s, the work and leisure society, the votes until today. In his best-selling books and lectures Opaschowski analyzed the moods of the Germans, and draws attention to upcoming changes in the areas of economy, politics and society.

Deutsche Welle: Mr Opaschoswki, you have been working for decades with the mood of the Germans. Fear is something typical German?

Horst Opaschowski: fear is often used with the term “German Angst” and has brought it to international fame. Of course, a feature which is already in a German disease. This is because the Germans are not hedged because of their history, the war and post – war experience, as well as other countries. Germany is a tenant of the land. The Germans have failed to tie up reserves.

What most Worries us?

In Germany, the future spreads uncertainty. The reconstruction generation was inspired by the idea of our children, it should go even better. Today, it is, rather, to Our children, it is not allowed to go from bad to worse! In times of Putin, Trump, or Erdogan, the fears of an uncertain future are very large. That it comes to us at the Moment, well, of course. But the fear of the future is getting bigger and bigger.

Even if you smile at here: The policy of Erdogan and Trump makes a lot of German concern

What actually needs to happen, so many feelings at the same time as a threat?

There’s a number of things must come together: the people want to maintain their standard of living. The state must promise you. But the proportion who believes that the can be met, is getting smaller and smaller. The population’s well-being. Land of milk and honey is burned down!

And as a pessimistic mood arises?

The better people are, the greater the dissatisfaction is often. This has to do with the own claims. Instead of optimism about the Future the future is created pessimism. In addition, the policy gives no answers to the pressing questions of the future – including Housing, pension, health care, to the care of the material reserves.

We take the fear of foreign Infiltration. Who or what reinforces such Fears alone the evil media?

No, these feelings of Alienation are the people per se. It is given at all times. I was born in Silesia in what is today Poland. The refugees who arrived after the war in their own country, were not seen. I am working as a future researcher an Optimist. Just everything takes time. Nothing goes from today to tomorrow!

Meanwhile, the right wing will benefit most?

Right, because the right-wing populists, the Fears and Concerns of the people pick up on the established parties provide no answers.

Pegida-Demonstration: the right-wing populists Stoke Fears of refugees

What is your recipe for more optimism?

We need to give priority support to families, neighbourhood and intergenerational relationships. Social security is the basic building block for the future. You mean: We need more reserves, and we need more restraint.

Now you are no Prophet, but a profiled future researchers. What do you tell your five grandchildren – to be optimistic? Or: you hot?

First time: pull up warm, the times are rosy. But on the other hand, stick to Your opinion! The young Generation says: We are aware of all the crises in politics, society or economy. But we still want to make the Best out of our lives and have a positive Outlook in the future. The youth is a hope, and I want to ensure that it remains so.

Horst W. Opaschowski, Born in 1941, founded in 1979, the BAT leisure research Institute, which was reorganized in 2007 into the Foundation for future questions. Today he is a consultant for politics and business, and directs questions to the Hamburger Opaschowski Institute for the future.