After the murder of a journalist: fear and helplessness in Russian


A day after the murder of a TV journalist, the people in the Bulgarian town look scared, almost paralyzed. There are doubts that the authorities will solve this crime.

Of a sense of freedom of space “on the Bulgarian Danube city of Ruse is on the” freedom to feel to this day, nothing. It speaks to passers-by on the brutal murder of the journalist Viktoria Marinowa, looking the most rattled around. A woman brings her concern to the point: “There’s a murderer and rapist is running around, possibly.”

On the question of who killed Marinowa, the local police authority, so far only a very unsatisfactory answer: “We are working on all possible versions.” Unofficially, it is said, a reference to Marinowas journalistic activity is rather unlikely.

Enlightenment is undesirable?

The people on the street, however, remain skeptical. “This statement we hear for years, if a serious crime happens,” says a man. So the System was in Bulgaria, the crime would not be solved. “So it is in this country,” adds a woman in a desperate tone.

A well-known businessman from the Russian thinks the local media is not capable of proper research. “Less of a woman Marinowa that was only for eight months in this job,” he says, and qualifies his statement: Sometimes it will be just the beginners who tackled fearlessly dangerous topics.

Motive unclear: police pull out all the possibilities into consideration, it means

Fear is spreading

In front of a currency exchange on the edge of freedom square, a Passer-by asks: “Should I now thought, if my wife and my daughter go out in broad daylight on the street or in the Park?”

Several interview partners Express such Concerns. The people are shocked and comment on the terrible murder of the young journalist in all the nooks and crannies of the city. But with a name no one wants to be mentioned.

Marinowas environment is silent

A young man who grew up with Marinowa, says he was literally afraid to talk about the murder. Why? Also the fact he would rather not answer.

Marinowas employer by the TV station TVN and of the company NetWorX refuse to make any statement. Your TV colleagues have officially received a muzzle of the Executive Committee. Also if you could maybe bring on, a little light into the darkness. You are not allowed to speak. The family would like to say anything about it. Only a asseverate of all, you have known, unanimously: that it had no enemies. On the contrary, Viktoria Marinowa was cheerful and popular.

In Russian, the people of the murdered Victoria Marinowa memory