“There will be no elections in Anglophone Cameroon”


On Sunday elections in Cameroon presidency – but in the English-speaking part of the country you are impossible. Government forces are fighting against separatists. The DW has spoken with two independence fighters.

It has taken a long time, until you have agreed to a Meeting. We are in a Hotel in Nigeria, just a few kilometers from the border with Cameroon. After some waiting, two separatists in our room, looking nervous. In January, the Nigerian capital, Abuja, the leader of the independence movement in their Hotel were taken by the secret service and later to Cameroon delivered. The two men, as the Cobra and Catongo. Your real name don’t you want to call it.

DW: Why have you joined the fighters for independence?

Cobra: I do not call me a fighter I’m a defender. I was never trained as a fighter. But if you get cornered, you have no choice. In September of last year, a high-ranking soldier in Mamfe has shot and killed a young. In front of my eyes, in a peaceful Protest. I might have been the next.

What you have done before?

Catongo: I’m a businessman.

Cobra: I was a Farmer and merchant.

“What keeps us alive, our knowledge of the area,” says independence fighter Cobra

Pent-Up Anger

For decades, the residents in the English-speaking West of the country complain of neglect on the part of the majority French-speaking government. In the ‘ 60s, Cameroon became independent and the former French-language mandate territory with the English put together. Officially, there is since then, two official languages, two education systems, two legal systems.

However, in reality the minority in the Anglophone South-West Cameroon and feels for years, suppressed and disadvantaged. In October 2016, the lawyers from the Anglophone area on the road, in November, a teachers ‘ strike and demonstrations. The government ignored the demands, and responds with violence. Several protesters are killed, the Internet will be shut down for three months. An armed resistance and calls for a state of their own: Ambazonien.

The government are well-equipped troops. How do they fight?

Cobra: We have guns, weapons: hunting. I accompanied my father used to work for the hunting and know me well with the rifle. But what makes us alive, our knowledge of the area.

Catongo: We have no weapons. We started with sticks. But in the fight with the military we loot the guns sometimes. You bring weapons not to kill me and I try to give them the weapons to take off.

Of soldiers, independence fighters Catongo shot:

Gunshot wounds and broken bones

Catongo is almost killed, when the soldiers attack his house. He shows us two bullet wounds on the back. From the right armpit, the shots came out, a nasty inflammation of the the result was. Also Catongo has battle injuries – he’s recovering in Nigeria.

DW: observers say that about ten different separatists groups in Anglophone Cameroon active. Which group do you belong to?

Catongo: We have closed as a self-defence group in my village. When this all started, the soldiers have attacked us and robbed. They stole just the TV out of my house and my mother beaten. We are more than 100 fighters, to belong to any group.

Cobra: I am one of the Nine Deciples. We are more than 200. In my home region, Mamfe, there are the Nine Deciples and Anaconda.

The 300,000 Displaced persons

An hour’s drive away is the refugee camp Adagom. 3000 refugees have settled here. A total of 300,000 people have been displaced from the Anglophone regions of Cameroon, and 30,000 have fled to Nigeria. No matter whom you speak to here: the anger at the government in Cameroon is great. Everyone here can tell a story of military violence. Not able to select the Refugees here. But the wool eh a little, says Agbor Flavious, one of the community leaders. He believed that Paul Biya remains even after 36 years in Power, President. “He has done his whole life is nothing for us,” says Flavious. “Why should he do it now in retirement?”

On Sunday elections in Cameroon is presidential. This is in the Anglophone part even possible?

Catongo: There will be no elections in Ambazonien. The we make sure. The military tried to force the people to Choose, but this will not work. Most of the people are already escaped. But we all know the Tricks by Mr Biya. All of its fraud strategies. For 36 years he has manipulated the Cameroonian.

Opponents of the freedom fighters: President Paul Biya

Lack Of Self-Criticism

Also separatists crimes are accused of of civilians.

Cobra: these are all military who commit these acts – so you can then justify your hard-line approach against us.

They force the schools to remain closed. Teachers are attacked. Why?

Catongo: You can’t go to school, if your father was killed by the military and your mother was raped. The children have therefore said: there will be no lessons here, no market, all the activities here can be adjusted until the Problem is solved. Education is good and important. Nobody is saying the school is bad. But not under these circumstances.

Their own children can not go to school. You not worried?

Catongo: I tell my children that even if their 10 years will not go to school, is better than to live under Biyas System. At some point, we have the independence. And anyway: even if you go as an English-speaking school here – a Job by the government, you don’t get anyway.

DW: representatives of the Church have called for a dialogue. Would you be prepared?

Cobra: We have no Problem with it. The Problem with Mr Biya. Everyone is ready for a dialogue, but there are conditions. The solution to this crisis lies in the hands of Paul Biya.