“Right, terrorism is a growing threat”


After the arrest of six suspects right-wing terrorists of the expert Florian Hartleb in the DW warns-Interview against the risk of attacks and attacks from the right of the spectrum.

Deutsche Welle: What is the “Revolution Chemnitz” for a group, and how dangerous is it?

Florian Hartleb: The group was discovered at an early stage. There was no real terrorist attack. There were Attacks and an action. The Whole thing should be part of a symbolic action for the terrorism, it’s typical that you choose, for example, the day of German unity. It is also known that some leaders have a past in the right-wing extremist scene.

The group is really nothing Less than a political coup?

It is not untypical that terrorists proclaiming a social Revolution. We also know from the 70s and 80s of the Red army faction (left terrorist group, which was at that time in Germany, active, d. Red.). In addition, terrorism is also due to the polarizing refugee issue is a growing danger. The danger you can see through the vigorous to their scene, and that one could resort to acts of terrorism, if, for example, Assaults on police officers.

The “Revolution Chemnitz” has apparently found together only recently from different groups. Was it spontaneous, or is a real organization there, maybe even a strong management behind it?

Much needs to be investigated. But it is clear, is that the events in Chemnitz were the trigger that you go into action now.

A large-scale attack has been thwarted. Do you believe that the investigating authorities work according to the NSU incidents better?

Florian Hartleb Chemnitz was the trigger

There is a fundamental Problem with the law of terrorism. Many acts will not be interpreted as legal terrorism, or by the authorities underestimated. The “Revolution Chemnitz” is already the third terrorist group in Saxony, which is blown. That’s why I can’t understand also, that the Saxon Minister of the interior, Roland woeller says you have everything under control, because you have unmasked a group at an early stage.

How would you define law of terrorism, in contrast to individual attacks?

Legal terrorism has, in any case, a political message. It is ethnic minorities are selected as a victim and there is a clear redemption intention behind it, such as “I would like to liberate my Fatherland.” The Chemnitz-based group is calling out even a Revolution.

This is the tip of a much larger iceberg?

It comes to the question, the “national socialist underground” (NSU), and whether there was an environment of sympathizers who knew about it, and to what extent there is a connection with the fellowship scene and the right-wing extremist scene in Saxony. You have to due to the refugee debate, and the drama of the events in Chemnitz and Köthen also questions whether or not people decide to grab from the words of the weapons and to commit acts of terrorism on refugees or immigrants. The longer we have this polarized discourse on the refugee policy, the more likely it is that such a right-wing terrorist groups.

The political scientist and author Florian Hartleb is concerned particularly with right-wing extremism and populism. On 4. October appears to be new book “Lone wolves – the new terrorism right of individual perpetrators”.

The conversation Christoph hasselbach.