Healing: “Modern immigration law in Germany”


The Cabinet has decided to outline for an immigration law for skilled workers. It also provides for a work permit to work in well-integrated asylum seekers. Federal labour Minister healing speaks of a true-to-life solution.

Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer shows “fully satisfied”, the Federal Minister of economic Affairs Peter Altmeier speaks of a “really good and successful day for Germany” and the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, of a “pragmatic and practical” solution. Is meant to be the framework for a new immigration gesetzfür skilled workers from Non-EU countries.

With him the Grand coalition wants to pave foreigners with vocational training all the way to Germany. Professionals from Non-EU countries should in the future be allowed to search for a job for six months to enter Germany. For the in the economy of much-needed professionals in the information technology (IT) should even apply lower conditions. In addition, the tips of the coalition had already agreed in a late-night session. In the morning, the Federal Cabinet decided, then a corresponding key issues paper.

Work permit for asylum seekers

According to Seehofer, job-seekers need to the end of third States to bring therefore, in addition to a sufficient qualification, as well as basic knowledge of the German language. In addition, there should be no restrictions on certain professions. In addition, the foreigners have to ride during the job search, their living best. A similar scheme there is, as yet, been particularly well-Qualified with an academic degree.

Here to stay: Well-integrated refugees to help resolve the shortage of skilled workers

Furthermore, the tolerated asylum seekers who can ride from their own employment for their livelihood and well-integrated to obtain a work permit, informed the Federal Minister of the interior. How high the hurdles will be, but it is still open. “We will define the right of residence a clear set of criteria for a reliable Status-Tolerated, save by working for their livelihood and well-integrated”, – stated in the coalition decision.

And yet, a “lane change”

How well-integrated asylum seekers can be integrated in the labour market, had been debated under the term “lane change” week of the government coalition. The CSU had rejected it from the SPD applied to the term so far. In the current white paper, he does not appear.

The Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, said: “A reliable Status is, according to my reading, that you are able to work and not to expect repayment.” This possibility should not, however, exist for people from “safe countries of Origin,” made clear to the Minister Seehofer. The fundamental difference between asylum and economic migration, the government wants to held. Also, a “migration into the welfare systems” to give it just as a legal right of entry, said Seehofer.

In a bad economy, the Federal government should be able to restrict the scheme by regulation. Likewise, to be able to apply to the regional average unemployment, the priority examination, the employer must demonstrate that there are no Locals with similar qualifications. His Department will draw up on this basis, a draft law, still in October, a departmental hearing is to take place, the Minister of the interior.

The first positive reactions

Economy Minister Peter Altmeier said the planned legislation in Germany for the first Time the ability “to control, if necessary immigration of skilled workers and to respond to the immediate needs of the company,” said the Minister of economy. This would make it possible to fill all the jobs for skilled workers.

The German chambers of industry and Commerce (DIHK) had already spoken before of the detail agreement, with a view to the plans of a positive Signal. “Today, 1.6 million workers are missing, therefore we need in addition to the commitment of the domestic staff urgently in a parallel way, better immigration rules,” said DIHK President Eric Schweitzer.

fab/cw (dpa, rtr)

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