Scandal of the Nobel prize for literature: Jean-Claude Arnault condemns


The photographer Jean-Claude Arnault has been sentenced by a Stockholm court for rape, to two years in prison. The allegations against him were the catalyst for the conflict in the Swedish Academy.

Actually, it would have started by this time: The bets, the Speculate of the secrecy. Who could get the Nobel prize for literature? Because in the first or second Thursday in October, the most important literary prize in the world is usually manifests.

This year, however, there will be no prize and no winner, because the prize was suspended after the scandal of the abuse and allegations of corruption in the Swedish Academy, and one of the protagonists of the 72-year-old Jean – Claude Arnault – who has now been sentenced for rape to two years in prison. This was announced by a Stockholm court on Monday (01.10.2018). The defendant was the rape, in the night from 5. on the 6. October 2011 guilty. Arnault was while the negotiations are still on 24. September 2018 in custody has been taken. The Prosecutor had argued that there was a risk that Arnault could leave Sweden.

2018 – no Nobel prize for literature

As a husband of a longtime Academy member, the Frenchman Jean-Claude Arnault was closely associated with the Swedish Academy, which awards the Nobel prize for literature. According to research by the newspaper “Dagens Nyheter” Arnault have over the years, female members of the Academy, staff as well as wives and daughters of members of the Academy sexually or abused harassed. But that’s not enough: The Couple should even be grant money to have, and the names of Nobel prize winners have blabbed. A corruption charge was dropped earlier due to lack of Evidence.

After learning of the allegations, a bitter dispute over the handling Arnault was in the Academy in the Outlands. Six of the 18 members announced their participation, the Academy was unable to act. The award of the Nobel prize for literature for the year 2018 was been exposed to as a result. In 2019, the prize will be awarded for it twice.

But the Nobel prize Foundation, is skeptical whether the Academy 2019 will be able to do so. “I think there’s a Chance,” says Foundation Director Lars Heikensten. “But it is still too early to judge.”

kk/pl (dpa/AFP)