Moving moments: What was your most moving experience?


On 3. October, Germany celebrated the reunification, it is now 28 years of age. For Many it was an emotional experience. We want to know which moments have you moved in your life!

Wildly partying people on the Berlin wall: These images went around the world and provide many of the German for goose bumps. Because of the fall of the Berlin wall in November 1989 and the subsequent reunification in October 1990, for Many of the most moving moments in your life. Families were separated for decades were finally close again in the arms. And traveling between the East and the West was suddenly possible again. Every year, Germany celebrates, therefore, on the 03. October the “day of German unity”. We want to know from you, what experience has touched you in your life. Send us a photo of your most moving Moment!

Do you – as a small thank you we are giving away a watch Euromaxx-Design. One end of the end of the 04.10.2018, 12 UTC. We press all the spectators!