Prague’s astronomical clock is moving again


Nine months in Prague-tourists had to abandon the famous astronomical clock at the old town hall. This Friday, 28. September, this is it: the century-old mechanism is again set in motion.

On Friday, 28. September, will move from 18.00 clock in Prague’s old town, the figures of the apostles and the pointer of the historical movement from the year 1410 and again in front of the eyes of the Public. Every hour on the hour will show the figures of the twelve apostles, again, as usual, at the door. On the square in front of the city hall a people then regular grape with visitors from all over the world.

Last Check before re-commissioning

The watch expert Petr Skala and other restorers have taken the “astronomical clock”, so the Name in Czech, since January, more precisely under the magnifying glass. The miracle of art and Mechanics in price gave some of the secrets of the professionals but also new puzzles. Hidden in plaster niches, under the calendar pane, the restorers of stone figures of animals, found a bird of prey, an owl and a dog without a head, sitting with his back to the viewer. It is assumed that the small sculptures are there for centuries. “I think that the masons have encoded so that your personal feelings into it,” said restorer scale. “The ornaments from the late Gothic are all very esoteric and alchemical.”

He was exhausted like after a Marathon, reported scale. “Today, the movement shines Inside like a gem. It is gorgeous, the iron of the Gothic style is clean to the ground,” says the 72-Year-old proud. Inappropriate electrical drive of the post-war period, scale has drums by Rope, hemp ropes, and stone replaced the weights.

New to the calendar disc, which is considered to be the heart of the technology is a miracle plant. An artist produced a new, original true copy of the calendar dial of the Bohemian painter Josef mánes in the 19th century. Century, which is located in the Prague city Museum. To him, months and zodiac, as well as the Church’s calendar of saints can be read.

“Astronomical clock Prague”

The famous Prague clock is regarded as probably the oldest astronomical clock in the world, which is still in operation. It shows, among other things, also the phases of the moon. The first reason the restoration in decades took place a legend, in Spite of stating that the Land war and misfortune threatens, if the watch one day should remain.

Michael Heitmann (dpa)

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    Author Elisabeth Yorck von wartenburg