Alexis Tsipras, the converted Prime


What a difference: three years Ago, the left ranted Greek Prime against the Euro States. Now he is in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, grateful and lamb, Fromm. Bernd Riegert reports.

Only three weeks after Greece has left the financial rescue program of the EU, the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras of the radical left “Syriza”-a party to the European Parliament, a positive balance of his reign. “Greece is no longer a part of the problem, but part of the solution,” said the Premier without Pride. “Only a few believed we could do it. But we did it.” Greece adheres to the conditions imposed by the donors of the Eurozone, the European Central Bank and the International monetary Fund. Alexis Tsipras promised further reforms and a restructuring of the Greek state: “We have overcome the crisis without destroying the country.”

“Solidarity work”

Three years ago, in July 2015, at the height of the Greek debt crisis, the sound is still quite different. Since Alexis Tsipras was just five months in office and about to lead the country to Bankruptcy. Tsipras accused on his first appearance in the European Parliament in July of 2015, the Euro-Zone at that time, to have failed, and that is to force Greece with its austerity policy in the knee.

Meanwhile, no mention is made of it. As a left-wing Populist-runners Prime Minister praises the third rescue program now as an example of how European solidarity can work. “We don’t want to commit the same mistakes as in the past,” said Tsipras. The debt of Greece is located at 180 percent of gross domestic product. Over the decades, the state budget must practice discipline, and loans to pay back. Alexis Tsipras is certain that this is going to work. “The growth is back. The unemployment rate has fallen to 10 percent,” said Tsipras. The unemployment rate is still at nearly 20 percent, what is the view of the EU Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis is still “unacceptable”.

Athens in may 2018: protests against austerity measures of Premier Tsipras, there is still

The conversion of the Prime Minister

The conservative Deputy Esteban Gonzalez Pons, which represents the largest group in the European Parliament, was amused by the change of the Greek Prime Minister. “You have changed a lot,” said Gonzalez Pons. 2015 Greece stood on the brink, but the EU stood at his side. “The Greeks are admirable, because they wanted to remain in the EU.” The Ministers of his government had risked their policy is a Failure, said the conservative politician. Was meant to be, especially the former Minister of Finance Yannis Varoufakis, the provoked the donors in the summer of 2015, and to the edge of the despair engine. Alexis Tsipras admitted that in the last eight years of the debt crisis, both the Greek governments and the EU have made mistakes. His government had set the right recipe. “Yes, I’ve changed,” said Tsipras to the Deputy Gonzalez Pons, but this must be no error.

Tsipras warns of extreme rights

The Greek Prime Minister had been invited by Parliament to speak about his visions for the future of the EU. However, since the proposals were generally. Alexis Tsipras criticized the neo-liberal economic policies that had contributed, in his opinion, to the rise of extreme right parties. “The extreme right summons a nightmare up destroying the European idea”, warned Tsipras. Therefore, concluded the Greek Prime Minister, Europe would need to leave the way of austerity and a strategic Plan for an economic approximation to the EU States. The asylum system in Europe needs to be reformed. Europe must protect its citizens, its institutions and decision-making processes more democratic. Tsipras also spoke out in favour of the accession negotiations with Turkey. Greece supports the accession of the six countries in the Western Balkans and sees itself as a Guarantee for a peaceful development in the Region. The name dispute with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia could be resolved after six years of negotiations, finally, put Tsipras in view.

Largely empty ranks in Strasbourg (icon image)

The Head of the left faction, the Syriza party of Tsipras, went with the Greek bailout critical to the court as the Prime itself. Gabi room criticized the austerity policy have led to a “humanitarian catastrophe” and poverty in Greece. The debts are still there. “What happened to the idea of a debt conference, not only for Greece but also for other States?”, Gabi asked the room of the German left party. A cancellation of the debt, the rooms hinted at, however, demanded nothing once Tsipras. MEP Gabi Zimmer accused EU States, they would want to keep Greece small to show that a left-wing government could not work. Tsipras’ve proven the opposite.

Tsipras, in coalition with right-wing populists

The Greek Prime Minister in coalition in Athens with the right-wing populist party “ANEL”, opposed to the bailout policy, and anti-German resentment stoking. The rights, Tsipras criticized in his speech, so it sits in Athens at his own Cabinet table.

The keynote speech of the Greek heads of government was part of a series of Speeches launched by the European Parliament before the European elections in 2019. So far, the government among other languages of France, Luxembourg and Ireland. In the autumn of the speech of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected on the future of Europe. The debate on Tuesday took place in front of a very sparse ranks. The interest of the 750 deputies was rather low.