Trump pulls through sanctions program against China


In the trade dispute with Beijing, US President, Trump is hard. Next week, goods to the value of $ 200 billion from China with punitive duties assigned. The US Dollar went up after the announcement on descent.

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Trump China threatens with new punitive tariffs







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Trump China threatens with new punitive tariffs

Donald Trump is said to have told an adviser that he already provided for duties on more Chinese imports in the volume of 200 billion US dollars next week. At least the US news Agency Bloomberg reported, citing six unnamed individuals referred to. The message is provided directly for exchange rate losses on Wall Street and sent the Dollar to the Yen plummeting. In the bond markets, yields for U.S. government bonds.

Half of all imports occupied with special duties

The U.S. President would leave the punitive tariffs put in force, if a period for public comment on the plans at the 6. September would expire, says Bloomberg. As the deadline for the new charges of 5 was previously. September has been traded. The duties would apply inter alia to technology products, bicycles and clothing. You should be actually imposed, would be assigned one-half of all imports from China with a special tariff.

Trump accuses China of, among other things, unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft, what has the leadership in Beijing. In the past week, the first trade talks with the United States and the people’s Republic had gone for weeks without progress. While the meetings ran at the working level, imposed by both governments to each other new import duties of 25 percent on goods in the volume of 16 billion dollars. With this new escalation of duties on Goods from both countries, in value of 50 billion dollars are yet due.

The conflict between the two largest economies holds according to Economists, the risks to world trade and the global economy.

“The EU almost as bad as China”

Trump also suggested a European Union proposal to reduce duties on cars each other to Zero. The offer was not “good enough,” the President said in a published Interview to Agency Bloomberg. “The EU is almost as bad as China, just smaller,” said Trump, and again, its already a few weeks ago-chosen words repeated in the trade dispute with Europe. EU trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström had previously submitted the corresponding proposal.

At the same time, Trump said in the Interview again with the withdrawal of the USA from the world trade organization (WTO). In the case of the WTO, a number of complaints against the penal duties of the President, he is citing the interests of National security of the United States had to impose to run. Also, the EU is of the view that this course of action against the WTO rules.

se/rk (rtr, dpa, afp)