Listicle: fighting machines without control?


The dangers of not human-controlled weapons will be available starting this Monday in the heart of the UN negotiations in Geneva. Many States want to ban “Killer robots”. Here are the main facts.

What weapons is it?

The official name is “Lethal (= deadly) Autonomous weapons systems” or, in English: “Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems”, in short LAWS. Often the talk is of fighting robots, but of drones, unmanned U-boats, or vehicles. Critics often speak of Killer robots.

What exactly is meant by that?

A generally valid Definition for such weapons systems. The International Committee of the Red cross (ICRC) describes them as weapons, the targets independently, i.e., without human Intervention, select and attack.

There are these weapons?

Fully Autonomous weapons systems, the exercise of deadly force against people, does not yet exist. Due to rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, its development is only a matter of time.

What is the precursor?

Now there are a lot of weapons with Autonomous features. So today, missiles can identify their goals independently select and attack. Unmanned submarines to search independently to the mines. Drones are already able to connect in schools, and certain tasks independently.

What is a conceivable scenario would be the use of LAWS would be?

A combat robot is to be fed to the biometric data of a “target person”, this goes on it’s own and kill without a remote control by Radar or satellite, such as in the case of unmanned drones usual. Lethal Autonomous weapons systems to steer themselves and do not require a fire command by a soldier. No one knows when they will strike.

By means of artificial intelligence, drones can be converted into Autonomous weapons

Why experts believe for a paradigm shift in warfare?

Because the decision about life and death are not taken by a human but by a machine. This is despite the fact that people have built this gun before, and programmed changes.

Why are Autonomous weapons in conflict with international Humanitarian law?

One of the most important rules States that in the case of attacks clearly between combatants and civilians, a distinction must be made (Distinction requirement). Civilians and civilian objects are spared. Autonomous weapons systems will not be able to afford it. International lawyers are calling for, therefore, always a person has to have the last control over an attack (“Man in the loop”).

Where and how will be negotiated on these issues internationally?

In 2014, meetings are held at the United Nations in Geneva, within the framework of the Convention on conventional weapons (Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, in short, CCW). From the first informal discussions in 2017, official negotiations were able to take part in more than 70 countries, but also scientists and non-governmental organizations. 27. up to the 31. August is re-negotiated.

How are the negotiations?

Slowly, as the positions are far apart. The largest military powers in the world are against a ban of these weapons, with which they want to secure their supremacy. An agreement is not in sight.

What is the attitude of Germany?

In the coalition agreement of the CDU/CSU and SPD, States that: “Autonomous weapons systems, which are deprived of the disposal of the people, we reject. We want you to be an outlaw in the world.” Notwithstanding this, Germany has not joined those countries, the demand at the UN in Geneva, a binding ban on Autonomous weapons systems. Rather, the Federal government advertises for a non-binding political Declaration as a precursor to a ban Treaty.