International day of the cat: Purring conquer the world


In the annual series of memorial day, the 8 is. August, the cats dedicated to not only the furry little cats. Also in Videos and in the cinema: the international journal of.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Naughty, fat and lazy

    The fat cat-Garfield since 1978. He lives with the dimwitted dog Odie and the outsider Jon. The best environment for a bored, cynical cat: Jon and Odie don’t get it if Garfield suits up to something. In 2004, the lasagna-addicted cat comes to the movies, two sequels to follow.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Resistance is futile

    He executes the most difficult jobs, he brings out the worst types. He is of noble Spanish origin, he is fast, his claws are sharp like razor blades. He is “puss in boots” and the Only thing that amazes him is when he has to spew out a ball of fur. His role in the “Shrek”movies, was so successful that he has even got it’s own game film.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cats need an awful lot of music

    In 1970, the fine, single cat lady Duchesse captured screens with their three children to the cinema. You come to the alley cat Thomas O’malley and a wild bunch of Jazz-mad cats. Of course, in the Disney film “the Aristocats” a villain, a lot of jazz music and, of course, moonlight, and love in the Paris of the 1920s.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cats and Drugs and Rock’n’Roll

    Fritz the Cat is a cult in the 1970s. This Anarcho-cat comes from the pen of comic book artist Robert Crumb: A sex and drug addict cat, binging and kiffend through life, sex parties, celebrating and finally to the bomber. In 1971, the Comic will be made into a film-Strip. It is the first animated movie ever, in the you may only from the age of 18.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    The bad gelaunteste cat ever

    What would be the network without a cat content? The most famous Web-cat “Grumpy Cat” (grumpy cat) owes its face the expression of a genetic Defect. What has brought in your case, lucky, Grumpy is a Internet-Hype, and their owners have become the marketing realm. The cat is showered with prizes, among other things, for the “Meme of the Year 2013”.

  • more

    Eleven Cult-Cats

    …and here is the luxury variant

    Choupette, Karl Lagerfeld’s Muse. Where he is, is the fine lady also. In extra for they styled Transport-bag, with two maids, a cook and a Bodyguard. Choupette’s modeling, twittering and leads a normal life of luxury. A It Cat.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    A tragic figure

    Sylvester has only one goal: to catch the little yellow Canary Tweety bird and eat them. But the bird is always a little faster than the cat. What is particularly annoying: Tweety knows everything always better. And drives Sylvester regularly in the madness. The two belong to the Warner animated film-Ensemble “Looney Tunes”.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cat and mouse

    Between 1940 and 1967, the Comic book power Couple of Tom and Jerry the movie screens uncertain, until you come later on TV in 1976 in Germany. The Story is also very simple: Tom wants to catch Jerry, Jerry escapes. In the case of the wild hunts both don’t shy away from violence, regular explosives to go high. Seven cinema follow to get the Oscar, six more have been nominated.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    The talking cat

    In the children’s book series “pettson and Findus” mixes the exuberant cat Findus to be old Mr Chen is correct. He has only nonsense in your head, but really bad none of him. Findus can only speak with other animals, the only person he thinks he is “the old man” Pettersson. The books of Swedish writers Sven Nordqvist, there are also in the animated version.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    A dream in Pink

    You polarized like no other fashion cat: “Hello Kitty” is all the rage in girl’s rooms, it is cheesy and a world-famous brand. There is hardly a subject without Hello-Kitty-Label: children’s cassette recorder, guitars, bags, furniture, and dead heads. While the target audience (young, female) is crazy about it, comes across this cat design somewhere else, rather a sense of helplessness.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cat and villain

    The evil villain Blofeld is James bond’s worst enemy. In the various adventures of the 007 agents of the bald appears headed fiend, most of the time he is sitting in some opulent secret lair, where more baddies, build evil machines. Blofeld has always been a white Persian cat on his lap, he rubbed tenderly. That makes him doubly scary.

    Author: Silke Wünsch

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Naughty, fat and lazy

    The fat cat-Garfield since 1978. He lives with the dimwitted dog Odie and the outsider Jon. The best environment for a bored, cynical cat: Jon and Odie don’t get it if Garfield suits up to something. In 2004, the lasagna-addicted cat comes to the movies, two sequels to follow.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Resistance is futile

    He executes the most difficult jobs, he brings out the worst types. He is of noble Spanish origin, he is fast, his claws are sharp like razor blades. He is “puss in boots” and the Only thing that amazes him is when he has to spew out a ball of fur. His role in the “Shrek”movies, was so successful that he has even got it’s own game film.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cats need an awful lot of music

    In 1970, the fine, single cat lady Duchesse captured screens with their three children to the cinema. You come to the alley cat Thomas O’malley and a wild bunch of Jazz-mad cats. Of course, in the Disney film “the Aristocats” a villain, a lot of jazz music and, of course, moonlight, and love in the Paris of the 1920s.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cats and Drugs and Rock’n’Roll

    Fritz the Cat is a cult in the 1970s. This Anarcho-cat comes from the pen of comic book artist Robert Crumb: A sex and drug addict cat, binging and kiffend through life, sex parties, celebrating and finally to the bomber. In 1971, the Comic will be made into a film-Strip. It is the first animated movie ever, in the you may only from the age of 18.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    The bad gelaunteste cat ever

    What would be the network without a cat content? The most famous Web-cat “Grumpy Cat” (grumpy cat) owes its face the expression of a genetic Defect. What has brought in your case, lucky, Grumpy is a Internet-Hype, and their owners have become the marketing realm. The cat is showered with prizes, among other things, for the “Meme of the Year 2013”.

  • more

    Eleven Cult-Cats

    …and here is the luxury variant

    Choupette, Karl Lagerfeld’s Muse. Where he is, is the fine lady also. In extra for they styled Transport-bag, with two maids, a cook and a Bodyguard. Choupette’s modeling, twittering and leads a normal life of luxury. A It Cat.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    A tragic figure

    Sylvester has only one goal: to catch the little yellow Canary Tweety bird and eat them. But the bird is always a little faster than the cat. What is particularly annoying: Tweety knows everything always better. And drives Sylvester regularly in the madness. The two belong to the Warner animated film-Ensemble “Looney Tunes”.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cat and mouse

    Between 1940 and 1967, the Comic book power Couple of Tom and Jerry the movie screens uncertain, until you come later on TV in 1976 in Germany. The Story is also very simple: Tom wants to catch Jerry, Jerry escapes. In the case of the wild hunts both don’t shy away from violence, regular explosives to go high. Seven cinema follow to get the Oscar, six more have been nominated.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    The talking cat

    In the children’s book series “pettson and Findus” mixes the exuberant cat Findus to be old Mr Chen is correct. He has only nonsense in your head, but really bad none of him. Findus can only speak with other animals, the only person he thinks he is “the old man” Pettersson. The books of Swedish writers Sven Nordqvist, there are also in the animated version.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    A dream in Pink

    You polarized like no other fashion cat: “Hello Kitty” is all the rage in girl’s rooms, it is cheesy and a world-famous brand. There is hardly a subject without Hello-Kitty-Label: children’s cassette recorder, guitars, bags, furniture, and dead heads. While the target audience (young, female) is crazy about it, comes across this cat design somewhere else, rather a sense of helplessness.

  • Eleven Cult-Cats

    Cat and villain

    The evil villain Blofeld is James bond’s worst enemy. In the various adventures of the 007 agents of the bald appears headed fiend, most of the time he is sitting in some opulent secret lair, where more baddies, build evil machines. Blofeld has always been a white Persian cat on his lap, he rubbed tenderly. That makes him doubly scary.

    Author: Silke Wünsch

A special date for the dearest pet of the people. The International World day of the cat, there are now for 16 years. Who has introduced him to, no one really knows. Not even the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), some are referring to as the Initiator, wants to adorn themselves with these laurels.

“Originally, this memorial day was proclaimed, to make grievances, under which the cats live, and to be held. Today it is used by feline friends but also to your cat’s love with others to celebrate,” the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF).

Well 13.5 million house cats in Germany

As always, the World day of the cat too is committed – is that The cat leads the list of the most popular Pets unchallenged. In Germany, there were different according to statistics, last year, approximately 13.7 million. This means that every fifth household lives a cat. Animal rights activists are also around two million wild, ownerless “mini tigers”. Just for comparison: The number of dogs in Germany is wide of the severed 9.2 million.

Wild Velvet Paws

If, however, on the occasion of the International world cats day animal and protection of species in this genus is spoken, it is not only domestic cats, but also to small cats or big cats. The growing number of wild cats and lynxes in Germany is not enough conservationists for a long time.

European lynx – with the “brush ears”

According to information of the Federation for environment and nature conservation (BUND), the World day of the cat, there are only 77 proven lynx in Germany.

Better the stocks of the European wild cat have developed. With an estimated 7000 to 10,000 animals this cat count but still to the endangered species, announced by the FEDERAL government. However, 100 years Ago, the-splash forest were exterminated residents with a curly tail almost. As the main problem for the wild velvet paws-species the fragmentation of their natural habitats by roads, settlements and industrial agricultural land. This illegal firing.

Whether it is house cats, small cats or big cats: cats touch the soul of the people, some of them are Companion and Partner on four paws. In stories, Comics, and the World Wide Web, you will be presented with pleasure and exaggerated. Phenomenal specimens of this species have managed long ago to be on TV and on the movie screen. Here is a selection: