How mean cats are?


Cats torture mice to death, play with their Victims, and to ignore us, even though we are so good to you. What cat haters accuse them of: that they are different than dogs. But that certainly has a reason.

There are days when even the most dedicated cat owner, you wish you’d lay a dog. For example, if you come home after a holiday and not with exuberant, cock-tailed and delight will be welcomed. How well did that but the Ego!

Instead, it is hoped, as a cat owner that the cat noticed, at least that is back. And, above all, is not offended, because they have been left alone for so long. You are lucky, stroking the cat a few Times around the legs.


International day of the cat: Purring conquer the world

Cat lover or a dog lover?

Garfield – For the past 40 years, total addresses available

Couldn’t care less – or is it?

“Dogs have masters, cats have staff”, is it. Dogs hung on to their owners, cats only in one place. But Dennis Turner does not look so. He is a Swiss-American biologist who conducts research on the relationship between a human and a house cat, and the Director of the he founded the Institute for applied ethology and animal psychology in Horgen, near Zurich.

Of eight million German households cats. And there are more.

“Cats that were socialized as young animals, to people, to build real social relations to their holders and do not consider you only as a can opener,” he says to the DW. “You miss your owner, for example, during a holiday stay – even if you can show him in return the cold shoulder.”

In the year 2015, a study showed that the emotional bonding of cats to their owners is different than that of dogs. Alice Potter and Daniel Simon Mills of the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom, examined 20 cats and their owners with a method that was actually designed for small children.

The method name Strange-Situation-Test checks whether the child feels safe attached to his mother, pointing the people to a healthy development. Also in dogs, this kind of loyalty to their holder, could be demonstrated.

Cats and their owners failed the Test. “These results are consistent with the view that adult cats are typically quite independent, even in their social relations,” write the authors in ‘Plos One’. “Cats, no one need the other in order to have a sense of security.”

This does not mean, however, that cats were generally no ties to their owners, add to Potter’s Mills.

Alone instead of with a plurality of

That cats are different than dogs – and their relationship to the people – has a simple reason for this: “cats are originally solitary and independent,” explains Dennis Turner. You do not live in large packs with clear social structure, such as the ancestors of the dogs, the wolves.

The ancestor of the domestic cat, the Falbkatze (Felis silvestris lybica), African wild cat called. This subspecies occurs in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula to the Caspian sea. She is a little aggressive, and tame easily. The domestication probably began prior to about 9500 years ago in Cyprus, reported by French researchers in the journal ‘Science’.

The African wild cat only eats small animals: mice, rats, birds, and reptiles. Therefore, she hunts alone. Like most large predatory cats do not need the help of their peers. The only exception is the lions: they live like wolves in packs, hunt, and eat together for cats is extremely uncommon.

Free-living cats, although larger groups of up to several dozen animals, which will jointly distribute intruders from their territory. They also build social relationships with other cats. But basically, each relies only on himself. So they live for Thousands of years – domestication.

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Kitty, kitty: 7 quirky cats facts

Under throw? Nah!

“Through the socialization during the first two to eight weeks, cats are social and voluntary affectionate,” says Turner. How tame is a cat person, depends on their experiences at the beginning of your life, wrote the late Patrick Bateson of the University of Cambridge, in his book, ‘The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour’. Bateson has researched for a long time to cats.

Also the character of the father affect how friendly a cat is towards people. There’s a lot of kittens to get her father never to face, it is suspected that Tameness is also inherited.

“Cats but retain their independence, which most cats appreciate very to them,” adds Turner. No matter how friendly you are: the love peace throw will, is cats. If something does not fit, then you fight back – if necessary, with Scratching and Biting.

As loners, the multiple communication repertoire, the dogs as pack members missing cats. That it is not good, point about the fact that they urinate in the apartment. This protest pee indicates that you have Stress. Because cats are strong creatures of habit, with changes you can handle. Many people interpret the behavior wrong, and say, the cat was offended or upset.

Why kill the poor mouse.

Cats have a reputation for being cruel: do you have a tendency to play with mice and other prey animals until they must be freaking out with fear, totally.

“Cats are opportunistic hunters. You need to be ready at any time, accidentally discovered a prey to stalk and catch you, even if you have no Hunger,” explains Turner. Play with the live prey animal, the cat solve this inner conflict: you get aroused and can then apply the killing bite. “It seems cruel, but it is a necessary operation that has been selected by Evolution.”

Looks cruel from our point of view

Already in the 1970s, researchers investigated the phenomenon, why cats play with their prey instead of killing it immediately.

The larger and more dangerous the prey, the longer games the cat, reported Maxeen Ivan biben from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, in the journal ‘Animal Behaviour’. Rats remain alive longer than mice.

Ivan biben suspected at the time that cats are easy to be careful: the larger the prey is, the more dangerous it can be to the cat. Therefore, cats straight to the heart of quasi slowly and surely went to number before you come to the animal so close that you can kill it by a bite. Ivan biben also found that the cat kills the faster, the hungrier you actually are.

People tend to, animals of human characteristics to. In this case, the typical behavior of the cat is merely your way to hit as a loner through life – as it has been proved in the course of Evolution.

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    If constantly-eating cat not eating or sleeping, he loved his master Jon or his dog Odie. In the German-speaking Comics he is referred to as “naughty, fat, lazy, and philosopher”. The first Garfield comic strip appeared on February 19. June 1978; since then, Garfield has become a global phenomenon.

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    Another Internet star, but in contrast to Grumpy Cat merry Videos known, is Maru, a Scottish Fold from Japan. On Youtube, millions of people have clicked on Marus Clips, to see where the cat mostly, as he tries with great enthusiasm to crawl into cardboard boxes of any kind, or to jump.

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    Author: Carla Bleiker