Who are the US-American Right?


Guns, swastikas and Ku Klux Klan hoods, The parade in Charlottesville was for a long time the largest of the violent extreme right-wing scene in the United States. This is very fragmented. A glance at the groups.

Jason Kessler, a 34-year-old right-wing activist wanted to unite with the action in Charlottesville each of the extreme right-wing groups – according to the Motto “Unite the Right”. This is the Motto (“United”) were then protected by the right to freedom of expression – a number of different groups together. Ostensibly they were protesting against the demolition of a monument to the controversial civil war General Robert E. Lee, of the mid-19th century. Century, the southern troops in the American civil led war. As different as their roots are in Charlottesville, it was in common, however: the white identity in the United States. According to Kessler’s information the movement of “Unity and Security for America recruited” to these associations:

The Ku Klux Klan

As a reaction to the civil rights movement of the Afro-Americans of 1865, for the first time any Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was formed in the 1960s. On account of the extreme right-wing group, many atrocities go deeds and murders. Today, the KKK is estimated to be 5000 to 8000 members. At the parade in Charlottesville David Duke took part, one of the most prominent American neo-Nazi and former KKK leader. He called on U.S. President Donald Trump, to remember “the fact that there were white Americans who allowed him the presidency, not the radical Left”. Critics chalk Trump to have in the election campaign were not clear enough from the radical right-wing rabble-Duke distant.

Radical right-wing pull in Charlottesville in Ku Klux Klan-style flaming torches through the town

White Suprematist

Supporters of the “White Supremacy” white supremacy, are convinced that there is such a thing as a white race. You use this term as a synonym for groups of people of certain skin color, ancestry, or affiliation. White supremati like the “Aryan Nations” the faith of the most fanatical of the biological Superiority of people of European origin. You are convinced that Whites are in a multi-ethnic society such as the United States at the top of the hierarchy.

Supporters of the “Vanguard America” in the parade in Charlottesville

In Charlottesville also supremati were represented most of the group “Vanguard America” (the avant-garde in America), recognizable by the black shields with a white cross.

The “Old Right” Movement

Relatively new in the right scene, the so-called “Alternative rights”. The “Alt-Right”movement rushes on with your racist ideas against the Left and minorities, against political correctness, immigration, but also against traditional Conservative. As the head of the “Old Right” is Richard Spencer, head of the right-wing think-tank “National Policy Institute” (NPI). Spencer founded in 2010, the Online magazine “Alternative Right” and coined the term of the movement. Some of the right-wing desks opinion medium “Breitbart”, the long time of Trumps-in-chief Steve Bannon strategists has led to the Mouthpieces of the movement. The “Alt-Right” is closely linked with Suprematist and nationalists, but often covered. The “Alt-Right”movement is said to have links with the ultra-right “Identitarian movement” in Europe.


American nationalists are close to the Suprematist, but differ in an important ideological component: they reject the idea of a multi-ethnic society. Your goal is to be a purely white state.

Armed right-wing radical in the para-military Uniform


Their ideology and symbolism have taken on American neo-Nazis from the Nazis. Adolf Hitler is your Visionary, role model and Hero. You rush against Jews, Non-whites, homosexuals or the disabled. At the end of the 1960s, an American Nazi, was founded party, but had no success. The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is the largest neo-Nazi organization in the United States. Right-wing extremism-researchers attest to the American neo-Nazis close contacts to Germany. The now deceased American neo-Nazi leader William Pierce is said to have moved frequently in NPD circles and NPD meetings, spoken. Unlike in Germany, the Nazi are not banned symbols like the swastika, the Hitler salute or the brown Nazi Uniform in the United States, but freedom of expression are covered.


The Neo-Confederate it comes to the “old South”. Under the flag of the Confederacy you want to go back to the spirit and the life of the southern States before the American civil war. You see yourself as a victim of the North, which abolished slavery. They are considered to be anti-democratic, homophobic, and racist. Your historical reference, in that it differs ideologically from other extreme Right-wing, however, there are also intersections with Suprematist.