“Always have a charging station in sight”


Five Prime Ministers, three from the Union, a SPD-man and a Green, want more electric cars in Germany. Right: so Far the country has overslept the development.

That doesn’t happen every day: Five German Prime Minister from different political Camps to make up for a common goal strong: Winfried Kretschmann (Green) from Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Horst Seehofer of the CSU, Volker Bouffier, and Armin Laschet, both CDU, and Stephan Weil, SPD leader in lower Saxony. At the suggestion of Kretschmann the country heads presented on Friday in Berlin, before the press and explained: you want more electric cars in Germany and more charging stations. Kretschmann has set a memorable phrase: “The car is invented at the time.” And Stephan Weil, added: “We have in Germany the greatest interest in that we can also sell in the future top vehicles all over the world – and that we stay in the car country number One. We agree: This is what will have to happen in the next few years.”

Tesla 3 will be built in series

Electrically into the future: The first middle-class, Tesla comes out on the market

The experts see. And coincidentally, the timing for the Initiative per E-car does not seem to be The American electric car manufacturer Tesla brings, just his latest model (Tesla 3) in the production of the series. So that E-cars are finally affordable. German manufacturer could not anfreundem, however, with alternative drives. On the contrary, In Thuringia of these days has signed the last of the great, relevant company for battery cells for bankruptcy. The competition from Asia is just too strong.

“The future is electric”

All the parties in Germany are agreed that The time of petrol – or diesel drive. “The future of the automobile is electric,” it says in the SPD for the parliamentary elections. And the Greens have recently decided to your Congress, to refrain from by 2030 on petrol cars – what but Kretschmann, the green Prime Minister, for plenty of naive. Probably that is why he has taken the Initiative.

The car re-invent, together with the industry of Baden-württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann

He mainly wants to convert certain groups of public vehicles quickly on engines with electric drive: “, for Example, in the case of the social services. This is a significant amount of driving in the big cities,” said Kretschmann, the German wave. Displeased, however, the head of government from Stuttgart, if he is asked, up to when all this will be implemented: “We have just 45 million cars with an internal combustion engine and 35000 electric vehicles. Since the Prime Minister cannot choose but, out of the hollow belly any data.”

Grants to achieve no great effect

This is probably because the German drivers keep up to date a lot of E-cars, mainly because a reliable infrastructure is missing. “From the North sea to lake Constance: Always a charging station in sight”, therefore it is called bold in the paper of the Prime Minister. Since last year, there are government grants for the purchase of E-cars, which are in other countries, such as Norway, have long been commonplace. However, have requested this year in Germany, so far, only about 23,000 buyers of such subsidies. Of the ambitious target that by 2020, around one Million electric cars on German streets, the German Chancellor, also in the light of such Figures recently, quite cool.

Industry to retrofit diesel cars – at their own expense

At the second traffic is a pressing problem in these days the five Prime Minister, want to show Unity: in the case of high particulate pollution in the cities caused by diesel vehicles.

“Not to the detriment of the customer”: company to retrofit older cars and so the burden from fine dust to reduce

The heads of government put on the retrofitting of older vehicles. Horst Seehofer: “it is possible, technically, in the foreseeable future. We are keen to ensure that this conversion goes to the detriment of the economy and not to the detriment of the customer.” In some cities, e.g. in Stuttgart, there are already bans, if the load increases too much. Nevertheless, Germany wants to rely more on voluntary solutions together with the economy, unlike France, The government in Paris is planning to ban by 2040 at the latest the sale of Diesel and petrol cars.