First register, then purchase


More control, more regulations, more penalties: With a new prostitution law to fight Germany, exploitation and human trafficking. In the Milieu of the law, which is now in power is not that good.

To earn with Sex, money, in Germany more complicated. Both prostitutes as well as brothels are to be more closely controlled. So it is the new “law for the regulation of the prostitution industry, and protection of the Prostitution of persons engaged” (ProstSchG), the on 1. July enters into force.

“It is in this country more and more difficult to open a chip shop as a brothel,” said the former Federal Minister of family Affairs Manuela Schwesig, as it introduced a year ago, the draft bill in the German Bundestag. Many prostitutes working in Germany under inhumane conditions. No one is in control of the conditions under which brothels worked.

Fear the notification requirement

Under the new law, prostitutes will be subject to a notification obligation and must register with the public health service, medical advice. Also prostitution businesses will need a permit which is only granted if the hygienic, spatial, and health minimum standards are met.

Law for the protection of flat-rate brothels and the Rape-Gang-Bang-parties, so venal group sex in which a woman to serve several men at the same time “” are prohibited under the new Prostitution. Also Sex without a condom is banned. Also Free should be punished if they knowingly use the services of forced prostitutes.

Prostitutes protest in front of the Bundesrat against the new law (2016): mandatory reporting as unnecessary nannying

In the Milieu of the grass the fear the notification requirement explicit. “Panic is spreading,” says Silvia Vorhauer of the Dortmund midnight mission, which offers advice for Dropouts. Many women were afraid of this Change. Your Argument: “I can’t log in with this ID on the street. Then I have to stop.”

Back in the illegality?

The exit consultant maintains the obligation to register for unnecessary courses. “Why can’t the women just to the tax office and register there? The registration at the clerk’s office leads to the stigmatization and criminalization of women,” said Vorhauer. This is dangerous, because Prostitution could be illegal to be pushed back.

However, not everything was bad in the new law, the consultant. The condom is mandatory, for example, would be advocated and operated in Dortmund, of all Prostitution. “A Permit requirement for traders in Prostitution, I think that’s not so bad,” adds Silvia Vorhauer.

“Sex workers” want to complain

Quite bad, however, the law organisations, such as the Federal Association of sexual services (BSD) and the Hydra on the one hand, and auxiliary organizations such as Sowoldi and Sisters, caring for victims of forced prostitution, on the other side.

RAID on a brothel on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn (2016): what are the women in the environment need protection?

While the plan to submit the registration requirement as “privacy concerns” and a constitutional complaint against the law, keep Sowoldi and Sisters, the protection measures for victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution is sufficient.

“Prostitution is not a service that Prostitution is violence,” says Sowoldi-founder Lea Ackermann. “The proposed regulations of the act such as compulsory registration for women, Condom requirement or the requirements for brothel owners will create a bureaucratic Monster”, prophesied to them.

Not immoral, not normal

But what are the women in the environment need protection? And if Yes, what are the measures to help whom? Even after the adoption of the law there is no consensus – neither in the environment nor in the case of professional organisations or consulting organisations and aid agencies to combat human trafficking.

The only thing is: The emancipation of the “sex workers” failed to materialize. As of 2002, the revolutionary “act regulating the legal situation of prostitutes” came into force, it was considered as a milestone in the struggle for rights for prostitutes. The morality was abolished, prostitutes could hire, their fee claim in the pension Deposit.

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The new prostitution protect protection law?

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The new prostitution protect protection law?

However, the coup failed. The prostitutes made their new Rights. Only one percent of “sex workers” has signed a contract of employment. In a survey of the social scientific women’s research Institute at the Protestant University in Freiburg, did not come out, moreover, that the vast majority of women in health and pension insurance specifies Prostitution as a profession.

With the new law, the Federal government wants to correct the misconceptions now, the layers of the design from the 2002. Whether this is possible? The billion-dollar market of Prostitution, in Germany, between 200,000 and 500,000 women and men to buy, is known to be extremely flexible.