Hong Kong, 20 years in Beijing


Still prevail in Hong Kong, unlike the mainland of Assembly, of the press, freedom of expression. But many residents are with the political stalemate and the intervention of Beijing, dissatisfied.

A day before the ceremonial return of Hong Kong to China on 1. July 1997 was the renowned Dutch Asia expert Ian Buruma in an Essay in the FAZ a comparison between the “official Patriotism” of the mainland and the “democratic Patriotism” in Hong Kong. He concluded with the following thoughts: “At first glance, the official patriots have all the Power on their side. In the long run, however, the allure of freedom could be stronger. If it came to that point, will have been the return of Hong Kong to China, the world’s most dangerous tribute, which was a Chinese Potentate ever received.”

Other authors and publications have considered it 20 years ago, it is conceivable that Hong Kong could exert political influence on the mainland: “What if Hong Kong takes over China?” asked at the time of the British “the Economist”. “China can, and needs to learn from Hong Kong and is more a case of students as a teacher,” wrote the German sinologist Thomas Heberer.

Hong Kong wants its identity and freedoms to boom technology-the cities of Shenzhen (photo) true

Weights in favour of the mainland moved

Such optimistic assessments, there is nothing after 20 years has remained. The possibilities of the interaction have been clearly resolved in favor of the mainland. China has, it is understood, Xi Jinping, to integrate economic liberalisation, growth and one-party rule, seemingly harmoniously. Hong Kong brings in contrast as an alternative model of society and too little on the pan also because it is economically much less important than it was even 20 years ago for the mainland. At the same time Beijing does not accept any questioning of its sovereignty over the special administrative region.

It reinforced rather its control over the Affairs of the city and the confrontation with the democratic forces in the buying – a line of development whose outcome is uncertain. At the end of the occurrence, what is the “Lokalisten” and umbrella in fear of protestors so much could: That Hong Kong is a Chinese city of millions, among many others. “Hong Kong is Shenzhen,” says with a conscience, Despite Victoria Hui, a Hong Kong-born American and sympathetic Chronicler of the movement for democracy. “Because in Hong Kong there are political as well as economic freedoms.”

The Governor, Chris Patten, tried shortly before the Takeover by China, the democratic institutions in Hong Kong to Beijing was not amused

Not held promise

These political freedoms, not only to see supporters of the umbrella movement, and more radical critics of Beijing’s threatened. “A lot of Hong Kong are extremely provides frustrated because of their small Say in the way they are governed”, the “Economist” in its balance sheet in the 20 years since the return.

Since the beginning of the return to negotiations in the 80s London had tried, in negotiations with Beijing, the (previous) civil rights and (new) democratic procedures for the Hong Kong population. The speech was in the joint Sino-British Declaration of 1984 of a “high degree of autonomy” and “Hong Kong Hongkongern would be ruled”. With these formulations, Beijing wanted to reassure the residents of Hong Kong and to prevent that they would pack given the imminent return under Communist domination of the mass of the suitcase.

Similar formulations in the 1990 by the Chinese national people’s Congress adopted the “Basic Law”, found in the basic law for Hong Kong. Under British rule, practiced economic and social system should remain in place for 50 years untouched, according to the official rules of “One country, two systems”. A democratic development of Hong Kong politics to real General elections for Parliament (legislative Council) and Management (Chief Executive) was read from the documents, but was delayed from Beijing.

The decision of Beijing of August 2014, a General election, although allow, but only among pre-selected candidates, then led to the mass protests and sit-ins, the Hong Kong daily lives of September, stored until December, partially lame.

Protest marches in Hong Kong, but the street protests and blockades in the autumn and Winter of 2014 the so far most violent confrontation with the authorities

Increased Interference From Beijing

The Hand of Beijing, not only in the Blockade at the election of the Hong Kong government, heads of noticeable. The kidnappings of unpleasant booksellers and publishers were fond of the mainland, and their forced confessions, in the Winter of 2015/16, a particularly blatant interference by Beijing in Hong Kong’s autonomy. In February of this year, the Same thing happened in Beijing, apparently, disgraced billionaire, Xiao Jianhua.

Also, the lawyers of Hong Kong were already a couple of times urged to throb with demonstrations on the independence of the judiciary. Most recently in November 2016, as Beijing zuvorkam a decision of the Supreme court in Hong Kong. It went to the approval or Non-approval of two elected new members of the legislative Council, the members of the independence movement, and refused the oath of office in the prescribed Form. The decision from Beijing that made the decision of the court of Hong Kong superfluous. From the point of view of the pro-democratic lawyers, a dangerous precedent for the presumption of competence by Beijing.

Finally, the much-praised freedom of the press, in addition to the independent judiciary, another pillar of civil liberties in Hong Kong is not unchallenged. There is influence and pressure on journalists to report, in particular, Chinese-language media, less on China for critical positions. The prestigious leaf “Ming Pao” attempts to appear professional and to provide diversity of opinion, says Victoria Hui: “I was able to publish so far my comments but, more recently, large-scale framed of an article directly from the office of the Beijing representative office in Hong Kong!”

Silent March in Hong Kong lawyers Protest against the “love-for-father-land”Directive, the 2014 Beijing to Hong Kong of justice addressed

Beijing liaison office as a parallel government

All the above-mentioned liaison office (“Liaison Office has been pushing”), according to the “Economist” in recent years, more and more into the foreground, so that some see it as a kind of parallel government. The magazine cited Anson Chan, who served under the last Governor, Chris Patten, as well as under the first CE, Tung Chee-hwa, as the Head of the public service that you have had to do during all four years, not a single Time with the Liaison Office. This reluctance is over, the office acts as an Investor in the media sector and a financier, sends his representatives prominently on the stage at public events and in the selection Committee is open for Carrie Lam, Beijing’s candidate for the Post of the next CE.

Victoria Hui says that the model of “One country, two systems” is not functioning also because Beijing, Hong Kong, run by hand-picked Chief Executive and the liaison office. “Hong Kong is in need of a CE, compared with Beijing, as well as to the people of Hong Kong be accountable to.”

Hong Kong’s leadership is celebrating the Chinese national holiday 1.10. On the left, the head of Beijing’s liaison office, Zhang Xiaoming, to the right, the next head of government, Carrie Lam

Chief Executive as the voice of the Hong Kong population?

To the celebrations at the 1.7.2017 Xi Jinping expected to be the first Chinese President in Hong Kong. At the same time, career civil servant Carrie Lam is sworn in as the new CE. In the BBC Interview, she said: “there Should be concern about unwarranted interference in Hong Kong’s Affairs, for which a high degree of autonomy is valid, then the Chief Executive needs to pick up on this mood and to sign on behalf of the population of the word.” A remarkable statement, to which the people of Hong Kong will remember your Supreme representative.