George Lucas “Star Wars”Museum in Los Angeles


The “Lucas Museum of Narrative Art” is more than a Mecca for “Star Wars”Fans. George Lucas wants to make a unique educational and art project. And can a billion Dollar jump.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The dream team from the original trilogy

    In 1977, the smuggler Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker showed up for the first Time on the big screen. The Trio consisted of a kick – back for all new adventures of Episode IV-VI (“star wars”, “Empire”, 1980, “The return of the Jedi”, 1983) and meets in Episode VII (The awakening of the Power”, 2015) after decades.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Jedi Knights

    The Jedi order is fighting in the Star Wars universe for Good. The “Power gives you” superhuman abilities. So you can move around with the power of your thoughts items. Their strongest weapon is the lightsaber. Famous Jedi are Luke and Anakin Skywalker (right in the picture), Obi-Wan Kenobi (left) and master Yoda.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Grand Master Yoda

    Yoda is the most powerful Jedi knights of all time and can use the Power like no other. More than 800 years, it provides young students (Padawans) to the Jedi knight. His language is strange, his words are wise and intelligent. He is only 66 inches tall. However, according to its size, one should not judge the Jedi master. The taller opponent to feel.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    “Do it or don’t do it. There is no Try.”

    In “Episode V – The Empire strikes back” trained Yoda to the young Luke Skywalker. Luke is severely insecure and doesn’t believe in his powers. Yoda teaches him the Jedi philosophy, and brings him mental techniques. And warns him not to let negative emotions: “anger. Fear. Aggressiveness. The dark sides of the force are they. Possession you take slightly of you.”

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Sith

    The Sith are an order that is on the dark side of the force. Sith are mostly former Jedi knight, say goodbye to the bright side, because they promise more Power. Famous Siths, Darth Vader, Darth Maul or Darth Sidious. In the photo, Darth Tyranus, was called as a Jedi even count Dooku.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    “I am your father.”

    Darth Vader was once Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker. He had from the Emperor to the dark side of the force to save the life of his wife and unborn children. Anakin becomes Darth Vader, while his children will be saved by Luke and Leia and hidden. Twenty years later, Luke and Vader meet and fight each other to the blood. The famous set of falls.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Emperor Palpatine

    Actually, he is a member of the Senate, which ruled a large planet Republic. But secretly, Palpatine is a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious. He instigates a revolt against the Republic. From the dark side, he is enthroned finally, as a Chancellor and an Emperor who wants to rule the entire universe. He is responsible for the worst of all weapons…

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Death Star

    The death star, the Imperial super-weapon is as big as a moon, with a devastating destruction power. A cruel Demonstration must attend Princess Leia: With a giant laser beam to your home planet of Alderaan is blown up. The death star, however, has an Achilles ‘ heel, which makes it the rebels is possible to strike back. But the nearest star is in the making…

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Storm Troops

    The soldiers of the Empire are directed from the dark side of the force and pull to hundreds of thousands in the wars. They are your Supreme commander, the Emperor, in blind obedience loyal to the death, and follow the villains (here: Kylo Ren). In Episode VII breaks a soldier, Finn, this “law” and is reflected on the side of Good.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Jabba The Hutt

    The Star Wars universe offers, in addition to humanoid yet completely inhuman creatures. How the mighty criminal Jabba the Hutt, a disgusting Monster in which the Ex-smuggler Han Solo still has a score to settle. In order to give his demands, he keeps Princess Leia as a slave. The Bikini, the actress Carrie Fisher is wearing, has become a legend.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Fighting animals on the ground

    The Imperial weapons are martial. Alone their size to scare the enemy. The four-legged “AT-ATs” are fighting machines, fast-moving and everywhere you go, and troops can be transported. In the head, tons of plug devastating projectiles. A similarly ferocious battle of the two-legged scout “AT-ST device”, bristling with laser cannons and lightning-fast.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Technology in space

    While the death star is still under construction, keep the ships of the Imperial fleet. Here is a gigantic star destroyer, flanked by the nimble star fighters, supply themselves with the fast ships of the rebels ‘ fast-paced battles. Star Wars maker George Lucas, has set in 1977, with his trick of technology set new standards.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Music

    The film composer John Williams has written for all the Star Wars films, the Soundtrack. World famous is the main theme, and the grim March that accompanies Darth Vader in his performances. Cult status but has from the beginning (Episode IV) of the Song “Cantina Band” played by the Alien Band Figrin D’an and the Modal Notes in a crowded dive bar.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Companion: Chewbacca

    In Episode VII, Han Solo is not a smuggler anymore. However, he is also with Princess Leia, even though the two married. After many years they meet again, as it goes a second Time to fight the Empire. Aged all of them are accompanied – but not the loyal Wookie Chewbacca, Han until the end. His moan of a scream has become a cult.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Droids

    From the first films of the Golden “smartass” C3PO and the little fiepsende R2D2 best memories are of us – the odd Couple have become audience favorites. With the last Film – Episode VII – another Comforter-droid: the lively BB-8 (left). These three droids are the protagonist’s faithful companion and you have already saved from sticky situations.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    A new heroine

    Episode VII has brought forth with Rey, a new heroine, whose origin is still uncertain. She is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo? Or Luke Skywalker? And what happened in the last 30 years after Episode VI – the return of the Jedi? The Story will continue to be written and 2017 to the cinema. Now, however, only turned back the time…

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Rogue One

    In this Spin-Off, we are in the time between episodes III and IV, The Empire is building the first death star was finished and wants to test the force – Star Wars-connoisseur to know that he can destroy with a single beam whole planet. Rebels want to get the plans and destroy the weapon. The Whole thing happens in addition to the original Star Wars plot.

    Author: Silke Wünsch

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The dream team from the original trilogy

    In 1977, the smuggler Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker showed up for the first Time on the big screen. The Trio consisted of a kick – back for all new adventures of Episode IV-VI (“star wars”, “Empire”, 1980, “The return of the Jedi”, 1983) and meets in Episode VII (The awakening of the Power”, 2015) after decades.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Jedi Knights

    The Jedi order is fighting in the Star Wars universe for Good. The “Power gives you” superhuman abilities. So you can move around with the power of your thoughts items. Their strongest weapon is the lightsaber. Famous Jedi are Luke and Anakin Skywalker (right in the picture), Obi-Wan Kenobi (left) and master Yoda.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Grand Master Yoda

    Yoda is the most powerful Jedi knights of all time and can use the Power like no other. More than 800 years, it provides young students (Padawans) to the Jedi knight. His language is strange, his words are wise and intelligent. He is only 66 inches tall. However, according to its size, one should not judge the Jedi master. The taller opponent to feel.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    “Do it or don’t do it. There is no Try.”

    In “Episode V – The Empire strikes back” trained Yoda to the young Luke Skywalker. Luke is severely insecure and doesn’t believe in his powers. Yoda teaches him the Jedi philosophy, and brings him mental techniques. And warns him not to let negative emotions: “anger. Fear. Aggressiveness. The dark sides of the force are they. Possession you take slightly of you.”

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Sith

    The Sith are an order that is on the dark side of the force. Sith are mostly former Jedi knight, say goodbye to the bright side, because they promise more Power. Famous Siths, Darth Vader, Darth Maul or Darth Sidious. In the photo, Darth Tyranus, was called as a Jedi even count Dooku.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    “I am your father.”

    Darth Vader was once Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker. He had from the Emperor to the dark side of the force to save the life of his wife and unborn children. Anakin becomes Darth Vader, while his children will be saved by Luke and Leia and hidden. Twenty years later, Luke and Vader meet and fight each other to the blood. The famous set of falls.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Emperor Palpatine

    Actually, he is a member of the Senate, which ruled a large planet Republic. But secretly, Palpatine is a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious. He instigates a revolt against the Republic. From the dark side, he is enthroned finally, as a Chancellor and an Emperor who wants to rule the entire universe. He is responsible for the worst of all weapons…

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Death Star

    The death star, the Imperial super-weapon is as big as a moon, with a devastating destruction power. A cruel Demonstration must attend Princess Leia: With a giant laser beam to your home planet of Alderaan is blown up. The death star, however, has an Achilles ‘ heel, which makes it the rebels is possible to strike back. But the nearest star is in the making…

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Storm Troops

    The soldiers of the Empire are directed from the dark side of the force and pull to hundreds of thousands in the wars. They are your Supreme commander, the Emperor, in blind obedience loyal to the death, and follow the villains (here: Kylo Ren). In Episode VII breaks a soldier, Finn, this “law” and is reflected on the side of Good.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Jabba The Hutt

    The Star Wars universe offers, in addition to humanoid yet completely inhuman creatures. How the mighty criminal Jabba the Hutt, a disgusting Monster in which the Ex-smuggler Han Solo still has a score to settle. In order to give his demands, he keeps Princess Leia as a slave. The Bikini, the actress Carrie Fisher is wearing, has become a legend.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Fighting animals on the ground

    The Imperial weapons are martial. Alone their size to scare the enemy. The four-legged “AT-ATs” are fighting machines, fast-moving and everywhere you go, and troops can be transported. In the head, tons of plug devastating projectiles. A similarly ferocious battle of the two-legged scout “AT-ST device”, bristling with laser cannons and lightning-fast.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Technology in space

    While the death star is still under construction, keep the ships of the Imperial fleet. Here is a gigantic star destroyer, flanked by the nimble star fighters, supply themselves with the fast ships of the rebels ‘ fast-paced battles. Star Wars maker George Lucas, has set in 1977, with his trick of technology set new standards.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Music

    The film composer John Williams has written for all the Star Wars films, the Soundtrack. World famous is the main theme, and the grim March that accompanies Darth Vader in his performances. Cult status but has from the beginning (Episode IV) of the Song “Cantina Band” played by the Alien Band Figrin D’an and the Modal Notes in a crowded dive bar.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Companion: Chewbacca

    In Episode VII, Han Solo is not a smuggler anymore. However, he is also with Princess Leia, even though the two married. After many years they meet again, as it goes a second Time to fight the Empire. Aged all of them are accompanied – but not the loyal Wookie Chewbacca, Han until the end. His moan of a scream has become a cult.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    The Droids

    From the first films of the Golden “smartass” C3PO and the little fiepsende R2D2 best memories are of us – the odd Couple have become audience favorites. With the last Film – Episode VII – another Comforter-droid: the lively BB-8 (left). These three droids are the protagonist’s faithful companion and you have already saved from sticky situations.

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    A new heroine

    Episode VII has brought forth with Rey, a new heroine, whose origin is still uncertain. She is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo? Or Luke Skywalker? And what happened in the last 30 years after Episode VI – the return of the Jedi? The Story will continue to be written and 2017 to the cinema. Now, however, only turned back the time…

  • Small guide through the Star Wars universe

    Rogue One

    In this Spin-Off, we are in the time between episodes III and IV, The Empire is building the first death star was finished and wants to test the force – Star Wars-connoisseur to know that he can destroy with a single beam whole planet. Rebels want to get the plans and destroy the weapon. The Whole thing happens in addition to the original Star Wars plot.

    Author: Silke Wünsch

The last hurdle is overcome: The Los Angeles city Council has approved the construction project of the “Star Wars”Creator George Lucas. The “Lucas Museum of Narrative Art” was a “incredible gift” to the city, explained the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti. The building will be erected on the Exposition Park grounds and is in close proximity to the University of Californina. There, Lucas has completed his film studies.

For the futuristic Design of the Museum of the Chinese architect Ma Yansong is responsible. It is, of course, no coincidence that the shape of the building is reminiscent of a space ship. The exhibition area is about 25,000 square feet in size, plenty of space for the entire Lucas Empire. And that includes not only pieces from the “Star Wars”Prop, but also Material from the films “Blade Runner”, “Toy Story,” “Avatar,” the “Indiana Jones”series or “Metropolis”. In addition, it is also exhibited art from the private collection of George Lucas, including works by Norman Rockwell, N. C. Wyeth, Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

Images arouse emotions

“Star Wars” Creator George Lucas, in 2014, celebrated his 70. Birthday

Lucas wants to show both the classic art and the art of visual storytelling in Film. From the first drafts to the finished Design. It will also go to the technical possibilities, which can benefit the artist in the cinema and in other arts.

The concept was to portray George Lucas, the image end, and the popular art equivalent of, and not separate. After all, every art, from whatever culture, have a story to tell for the same goal: stories in pictures and to arouse emotions. Nothing else is “Narrative Art”. So going around in addition to a valuable European paintings from the 19th century. Century is also a Manga-drawing from the 21st century. Century to see.

Art for the people

After Lucas’ ideas of the Museum will also lead to formation of distant visitors to the art. In addition to the permanent exhibitions, Workshops are planned, extra tours for school classes, special shows, movie premieres and Festivals. And also a comprehensive archive of films and film history is provided.

Right next to the famous Olympic stadium “Coliseum” Lucas land’, the largest space ship

Proud of the Museum’s website announced that due to the construction of 1500 Jobs would be created and guaranteed for future Museum operation 350 jobs. The taxpayers of the Entire costs nothing. George Lucas financed the project out of his own pocket – with more than a billion dollars.

The Museum is not the only education project that would like to support George Lucas so generously. After the sale of the “Star Wars”rights to Disney in 2012, Lucas’ assets have grown to over five billion dollars. Half of them he wanted to ask for charitable purposes, he promised at the time. With the Museum, he has done his first step. The construction works will begin, according to the “Los Angeles Times” this year. In 2021, the opening is planned.