Struggle for sexual diversity in Greece


At the Gay Pride Parade in Thessaloniki, the Greek political prominence for sexual diversity was for the first Time. Nevertheless, discrimination for the LGBTI community remains a part of everyday life.

A sea of rainbow flags around the White tower in Thessaloniki: More than 15,000 people celebrated at the weekend, the sixth Gay Pride Parade. The LGBTI community (the acronym stands for lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and intersex) came together to set a tone for sexual diversity.

“In the beginning there was a lot of Protest, but in the meantime, most of the people have gotten used to us,” says Thanos Vlachogiannis, one of the organizers. The same is not true for all: In this year, mixed a woman among the crowd, and the Byzantine flag in the air stretched: in Greece, a sign of ultra-Orthodox and most of the nationalist ethos. “These people can not really love. You are living in sin,” she said, while on stage political rallies were held. Among the speakers Giannis were Boutaris, the incumbent mayor of the city, and Tasos Kourakis, first Vice-President of the Greek Parliament.

Mayor Boutaris has been the first Gay Pride Parade supports

“In Church services warned of sexual diversity”

The Greek political prominence uses open to sexual diversity, is a novelty in a country where the Christian Orthodox Church has a strong influence on the policy. Three years ago, a Church representative prior to the event announced, in Thessaloniki there were no Homosexuals, and all the participants had arrived from Athens. “In worship services, will be warned with a lot of hate against sexual diversity. This is dangerous and incites some people to violence”, writes the 37 – year-old LGBTI activist and teacher, Filippa Diamanti.

Overall, however, improved the Situation of the left-wing Syriza government since 2015, significantly: “Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has recently given to the Gay magazine Antivirus an Interview. This is a small Revolution.” Nevertheless, the everyday life was marked, especially in the workplace and in the family, often of discrimination and sometimes even violence. “We have to operate, especially education in the school, with students openly about sexual identity talk, school books, rewriting and the teaching staff of the schools,” says the teacher.

“Often my clients how prisoners feel”

Mayor Giannis Boutaris has supported the Gay Pride Parade from the very beginning. He even went so far as to get naked for a magazine scan, and said that the event was a win for Thessaloniki and lure tourists from all over the Balkans and Turkey in the city. “It is our duty as a democratic society, diversity is to acknowledge,” he says. Also, the Parade would bring economic benefits: “In fact, she is one of the biggest events in the North of Greece. The Hotels are full, Kiosk and restaurant owners are happy about good business.”

Thanos Vlahogiannis: It comes to human rights

The everyday life was still a struggle, says the psychiatrist Stavros Boufidis, which deals mainly with clients from the LGBTI community: “Trans people are daily discriminated against and have to fear violent Attacks.” The society is not ready to accept the diversity of sexual identity recognise.

“Often my clients how prisoners feel. You have no control over the Situation and have the impression to be alone. This can cause severe depression and other mental health disorders that, in extreme cases, to suicide,” explains the psychiatrist. The Gay Pride Parade in Thessaloniki to show the Affected, that you are neither alone, still sick, and motivating the people to confess their sexual identity: “In the first year you have to look at from afar. Then they came closer and closer and now you dance with it.”

Many of the heterosexual supporters

“We still have a long road ahead of us, but the support in the population is growing noticeably,” says the Pride organizer Vlachogiannis. Even the cooperation with the police, in Greece, more for your homophobic attitude is known, the course of positive. Also encouraging for Vlachogiannis: Many heterosexual supporters had come to the Parade, because they would have recognized that it is not about sexuality, but about human rights.

Young people calling for equal rights for all

A 39-year-old mother from Thessaloniki also has brought her two children to the Gay Pride Parade. “It is important that children grow up without prejudices,” she explains. “Maybe one of my own children in this Situation and then I want it abuts to an open society.” Otherwise, a 19-year-old Student. His girlfriend had supported the event, it is the sight disturbing, but – and he would keep the kids away from it.

The Greek LGBTI community continues to hope for support from politics and society to the Christian-Orthodox world image of your country finally find a permanent place.