Helmut Kohl, France-Versteher


Of the hands pressure from Verdun and the tears of the Requiem for the deceased François Mitterrand In France, Helmut Kohl as the embodiment of the good German. Conflict-free relations but were not.

“Is Helmut Kohl a francophile?” As the CDU politician Helmut Kohl on 1. October 1982 the social Democrats of Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor replaced, not only asked the French daily newspaper “Le Monde” bang, what was to be the German-French relations. The Conservative Kohl was at this time for the French, a blank slate. Only its origin from the France border, the Palatinate, the editor knew not to mention positive. Politically, he identified the location of the new head of the government, as an Atlanticist, was interested in good relations with the USA and Nato. That this Chancellor would be remembered as a friend of the Frenchman in the story, could have guessed at this time no one.

A politically and externally unequal Duo: François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl (R)

Nevertheless, Helmut Kohl was, immediately after his election, him that a good relationship to the neighbours. His first trip abroad led the Chancellor in the French capital. Rather a delicate Trip, and resided there with François Mitterrand, a socialist in the Elysée Palace, the market had to do to the economy program with the Beliefs of the CDU-politician. A decisive role in the relations between the two politicians, the party should have political differences but never. What was not least in order to, both politicians were in the more important points from the very beginning, agreed – especially in the need of a deeper European Integration.

A Symbol of German-French reconciliation

A first foretaste of the later so-close Alliance of the two externally as well as unequal partners, the socialist, delivered only a few weeks after Kohl’s government took office in the German Bundestag. In a speech before the German members of Mitterrand campaigned for the instrumental of cabbage required the stationing of Pershing II missiles in Germany and delivered to the Registrar in order for ammunition for the just-begun election campaign against the SPD.

Gesture for the history books: Kohl and Mitterrand commemoration in Verdun of the victims of the world wars

How close are the relations between the two politicians were already in the first years of Kohl’s chancellorship, should show, in September 1984, a particularly symbolic place. To commemorate the dead of both world Kohl had traveled war to Verdun, where his father in the First world war, had fought, and Mitterrand had been wounded as a young soldier in the Second world war. While both the state stood rows of men in the rain silent in front of the endless Graves, stretched Mitterrand his Hand in the direction of the German Chancellor, took this spontaneously.

The Motor of European integration

The image of the silently on the hands-holding States men a great gesture of Reconciliation to the German-French history and is enshrined in the collective memory of the French. In his memoirs, Kohl later wrote about that moment: “My feelings are difficult to describe. Never have I felt such a closeness to our French neighbours. The spontaneous gesture of the French President, had me overwhelmed.”

Award for the “pursuit of a lasting German-French friendship”: Kohl and Mitterrand received the 1988 Charles price

On the former battle field of Verdun, Kohl and Mitterrand have found, in the opinion of the historians finally to each other. In the following years, the Duo made off with several initiatives for further deepening of the European Integration. The German-French relations reached a new level. In 1987, both leaders agree on the establishment of a German-French Brigade. Was placed this first bi-national military Association today, with approximately 6000 soldiers a few weeks before the fall of the wall. For their courageous steps that both the state were awarded to men in 1988, together with the International Charlemagne prize.

A clear leadership role of France accepted

It is this year, 1989, marked a low point in Franco-German relations. On the fall of the Berlin wall on 9. In November of 1989, reacted to Mitterrand’s hesitant and cautious. Although his advisers had recommended to travel to Berlin, was the President from the scene of world history. As a socialist, eighth in December 1989, even after the East Berlin cheer for himself, the impression that France wants to block German unity. The new leadership of the GDR, as Mitterrand said in East Berlin, could be counted “on the solidarity of France to the German democratic Republic”. In the end, it was Kohl’s commitment to the Polish Western border and his support for the European monetary Union, Mitterrand, the reluctance for reunification, to give up.

Distance: Kohl’s plans to re-unification will not find the support of François Mitterrand

That cabbage in the second half of his chancellorship is not played in the increase in the power of the re-United country that is open to France, expecting him to be a Partner in the Elysée Palace. The historian cabbage was aware of the sensitivities of the political leadership of the continent. In front of the Tricolor, he bow twice before he say in front of the German flag bow, used by Helmut Kohl, in accordance with Konrad Adenauer.

At the end of a political friendship

As recorded and was familiar with the collaboration between Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand, showed in 1995, after the change of power in Paris. That is now in the Elysee Palace with Jacques Chirac, a President from the same party family, such as cabbage, prevailed, and gave the relations between the two countries a new impetus. On the contrary, under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, a German-French Duo worked again in the same tone.

With the death of Mitterrand at the 8. January 1996 cabbage had lost a friend, as far as friendship among politicians is possible. Him at the memorial service for the deceased statesman in the Paris Cathedral of Notre Dame, the tears in the eyes shot, next to Verdun, the second image, which will keep the French from a Registrar in the memory, the relationship to France was always heart.