Survey: Why to you like Cycling?


Euromaxx celebrates the 200. Birthday of the bike and would like to know why you step in the pedals.

12. June 1817, Karl Freiherr rose from Drais on the designed impeller and rolled through the German city of Mannheim. For his almost 14 kilometres long, the Tour he needed an hour – a small mobile Revolution. We are celebrating the anniversary with the five-part series “2 wheels – 200 years”. And also want to know from our viewers, why you like to ride a bike.

Taking part is easy:
Click on the Link and tell us why you like to sit in the saddle.

As a thank you we are giving away among all participants in the tyre pocket Drive is the company commander of the country.

The closing date for entries is 16. June 2017, 12 UTC. Legal recourse is excluded. Good Luck!