Europe alone in the house


The Federal government is irritated by Trumps foreign policy. It concludes that Europe needs to take its fate into its own hands. How to evaluate German peace researchers, these response?

“It is with great concern,” observed the German peace research institutes Donald trump’s foreign policy course. “We see the risk that the new American President begins foreign policy adventures in order to gain political relief,” says food researcher Jochen Hippler from the “Institute for development and peace” at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

An example of this is the US-attack with 59 cruise missiles at the Syrian air base of Al-Schairat, the Trump had described as retaliation for the alleged poison gas attack on the Syrian small town of Chan Scheichun. This attack was a breach of international law. The “relatively unpredictable” foreign policy, Trumps, decisions “from moment-impulses” meet, evaluates the scientist as a destabilising factor in an already difficult time.

Civilian power EU

In this situation, the European Union could play a greater role, says peace researcher Hippler. You should, however, the classical large-scale policy is not aping the styles of Putin’s or trump’s””. Certainly not in a time in which the willingness to cooperate from the years replaced after 1989 by a “new geopolitical powers in competition”.

Peace Researcher Jochen Hippler

The potential of Europe to see the five leading German peace research Institute, presented on Tuesday in Berlin, her “peace report 2017”, is used in another model: The EU should use its common foreign policy in the service of crisis prevention, disarmament and UN peacekeeping missions engaged in helping. A polar opposite to the policy of “America first” were the United Nations, with its “Agenda 2030”, which aims to enhance the living standards and the environment, and protecting human rights. “To be able to their Succeed and to contribute to the European Union and the German policy, far more than before,” say the scientists in their Yearbook.

What security policies does Europe want?

The topic is not new: Already before the start of trump’s presidency, Europe was looking for its political-security role, stressed Corinna Hauswedell from the “research centre of the Evangelical study community” in Heidelberg. In the current escalation is also a Chance of sun. If Europe is to keep the nuclear agreement with Iran, and new disarmament initiatives bring, the better to remember than only on similarities without the United States.

The claim Trumps, the European NATO countries should massively upgrade and NATO owed “huge sums” to keep the peace researcher is unfounded. “Germany should take to increase its defense budget to two percent of gross domestic product,” urge the scientists. Higher military spending does not mean more security. Currently, the Federal government spends about 1.2 percent of gross domestic product for defense.