The G7 summit of the stumbling blocks


Dispute, there is enough at the G7 summit in Taormina: the climate, trade, Migration. And the US President, Trump is on a collision course. A success would be if the big noise is absent. From Taormina Barbara Wesel.

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Difficult negotiations at the G7 summit







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Difficult negotiations at the G7 summit

“This is the most difficult out of the G7 Meeting for years,” said EU Council President Donald Tusk at the start of the meeting. The sun shines over the Bay of Taormina, the coast of Sicily, shows her most beautiful side. But Tusk’s mood is dampened. In the face of international crises, the war in Syria, the missile tests in North Korea, the uncertain situation in Ukraine, the government is the warning: “If our group is not determined and jointly, then the Situation could run the world out of control.”

Tusk and EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, sitting as a guest at the table. And you have witnessed on Thursday in Brussels for a first Meeting with US President Donald Trump, the little occasion to optimism for the Meeting of the seven major industrial States in Taormina. There were different positions on climate change and trade, acknowledges Tusk. Only with regard to Russia, the President of the European Council Agreement. He considered that the consensus in Ukraine and the sanctions already in place against Russia.

During the refugee crisis, probably looks different. It is the Italian hosts. Because it is only a few kilometers to the South from the summit venue in Taormina, the boats with the rescued refugees from North Africa come ashore on a regular basis. Only now, during the summit, you will be redirected for security reasons.

Volcanic eruption of mount Etna, close to Taormina (2015) – so explosive, the political summit will hopefully

EU Commission President Juncker warns, to authorize the issue of refugees, “regional”, and thus to the affected countries to deport. It was a global Problem and had to stay on the G7 agenda. Trump, in turn, had on Thursday during the NATO Meeting, criticism of the ongoing immigration skilled – an indication that he sees solutions as the sole responsibility of the Europeans.

Germany – “evil” or “bad”?

“Here are four new heads of government meeting for the first Time together on each other,” explains Juncker to meet the specific Situation at the summit, referring to the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, the British Theresa May, the Italians, Paolo Gentiloni, and the American Donald Trump. Juncker is trying to dampen the anger that Trump had left the day before, during his first meeting with the EU representatives. Indirectly, however, he confirmed that the US President about Germany, and its trade had told surplus: “The Germans are bad, very bad”. The with was, in part: “The Germans have been translated evil, very evil”.

And again, everything to him: US President Donald Trump about his arrival in Taormina

He was not a specialist in the English mocked the fact Juncker in Taormina, but “bad” not hot evil, “bad” rich. And Trump not have made the remark in the “aggressive Form”. What are the changes to the thing nothing: Donald Trump sees Germany trade political opponents. What makes the task for German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Taormina is extremely difficult: It is your twelfth time that a G7 summit she knows the diplomatic game at these Meetings. And you want to try everything to get the Commonality of the Western group of States at least on the surface. You will need all your experience.

In Focus: Donald Trump

The New at the summit bring very different interests. The Concerns of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May is turning to Terror, the Brexit and the upcoming elections. Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni, a transitional figure. Emmanuel Macron has to define its international Position, but the shoulder-to-shoulder with Angela Merkel. The crisis character of the Taormina summit, to Donald Trump, his unpredictability and his “America First”policy.

In terms of international trade, the attitudes remain unforgiving. Trump wants more protectionism, and the rest of the G7 partners want to get the free trade. In the worst case, could fall about the final statement in Taormina, even behind the vague wording of the last G7 Finance Ministers ‘ meeting.

Group picture in front of a picturesque backdrop, but probably little Agreement

Concern there is also the further American participation in the Paris climate agreement. Donald Trump sees it as an obstacle to economic growth in the United States, will, however, decide to Taormina about the possible withdrawal from the contract. The new President of France Emmanuel Macron has already tried in his first Four-on-one meeting with Trump to convince him that the agreement is global important. The conversation had been “Frank and direct”, it was called then – and that is the diplomatic formula of “There was a dispute”.

Completion Goal: Minimal Consensus

Behind the Scenes, the Sherpas, the Advisor to the heads of government files, to the formulations. The joint final statement you have shrunk already of 32 pages at the last G7 summit on six pages. The representative of the USA has only participated in one of the preparatory meetings, the chief diplomats of the other G7 countries poking around in the fog in an attempt to get at least a minimal consensus.

If an open fracture and identifiable dispute between the United States and partners could be avoided, it was already a success, BelTA learned from circles of the Federal government prior to the Meeting in Taormina. At the end of best can if formula compromises. Almost in despair the attempt of the host, Paolo Gentiloni, hope to welcome the guests with a “good spirit of Taormina” given the beauty of the place.